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Obama At The Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2015: Africa Is On The Move

While co-hosting Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 with his Kenyan counterpart, Uhuru Kenyatta, in Nairobi, US President Barack Obama has praised Africa for its economic advancements, calling it "one of the fastest growing regions in the world".

Obama said that "Africa is on the move." He said that "People are being lifted out of poverty, incomes are up, the middle class is growing and young people like you are harnessing technology to change the way Africa is doing business," he told the summit.

Obama also praised entrepreneurs saying that "Entrepreneurship is 'the spark of prosperity."

The two days long Summit is 6th of its kind and was first inaugurated by Obama five years back in the US.Obama's presence to the summit was hugely appreciated by attendees of the summit and there was overwhelming enthusiasm among the participants.

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