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Remembering Samson H. Chowdhury: “If You Stop You Will Run Over"

“If you stop, proclaimed Samson H. Chowdhury (1925 – 2012), you will run over”, thus not stopping for his whole life while building most vibrant and successful conglomerate ‘Square’ of the country. Building a company that of Square size takes more than a life time but when you love what you do and know the tricks of the trade it becomes easy.

Samson H Chowdhury is an embodiment of hard work, perseverance, farsightedness and ethical business practices. With his indomitable attitude, tireless efforts and dedication he has built one of the most successful conglomerates of the country from scratch. His life is a goldmine for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn about starting small, building slowly, perseverance and staying sane while doing business profitably and more. Here are few lessons from the life of Samson H Chowdhury on starting small, playing it lean and ethical business practices.

Find few of our stories on our beloved entrepreneur and maker below.

22 Unusual Facts To Know About Samson H Chowdhury Of Square

Initial investment of Square was Rs. 17,000. Other three partners of Square were Dr Kazi Harunur Rashid, Dr PK Shaha and Radha Binod Roy.

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Samson H Chowdhury On Starting Small, Lean Startup and Doing Business Tick

In 1958, Square started its journey with just Tk 17000. Samson had an investment of Tk 5000 for “Esons”. He added two thousand more to the total. The three other friends gave two to three thousand taka each, all together the capital stood at Tk 17000. Samson rented a small tin-shed house in Pabna town and converted it into a factory. He recruited 12 workers. The first medicine they manufactured was blood purifier ‘Easton Syrup’. During the first three years, Square could not make any profit. As a consequence, the four partners had to invest more money, and in the third year the total investment increased to Tk 80,000. In the fourth year, Square managed to generate some profit, and that was the beginning. It has never looked back.

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Samson H. Chowdhury: Adding Sense of Welfare in Business Practices

"15 years ago when government gave recognition to the top 10 taxpayers I was one of them. I am one of the highest taxpayers even now. My sons, daughter is also highest taxpayers. But it doesn’t mean that I am the richest person in Bangladesh. The riches lead their life differently. If they want it they can do. But I can sleep peacefully." This is Samson H. Chowdhury.

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7 Lessons From 7 Bangladeshi Entrepreneurs

Understanding entrepreneurship takes a life time. One needs to walk the path to know the path. Even then we require compass to navigate this tough journey and life and lessons from past fellow travelers are the sources we can rest on for directions. There are wells of knowledge and lessons in the life of successful entrepreneurs.

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