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Best of 2015: A List Of The Best Lists We Published In 2015

2015 was a great year for us. We found ourselves listing many things last year! The league of extraordinary women, for instance, women who are breaking the barriers and leading the way for change, is one of the few lists we did last year. Then the people who are pushing Bangladesh's tech industry forward and people under the age of 35 putting in their hard work day in day out to ensure better for Bangladesh.

We also published few lists of startups. A list of most potential startups, a mid-year experimental list. Many of the startups from the list don't exist any more but few of them are doing pretty well.

15 under 35, people pushing Bangladesh's startup ecosystem forward, potential startups launched in 2015, best practices for startup CEOs, skills for startup CEOs and few more, all compiled together for easy reading.

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15 under 35 final collage
Future Startup 15 under 35 for 2015 | Click on image for more

Future Startup 15 Under 35 For 2015: Entrepreneurs, Trailblazers, Mold-Breakers Of Bangladesh

A social entrepreneur disrupting development sector with technology right here. A musician, actress, and journalist taking bold steps. A Fine Arts grad building country’s biggest ad network. These are the people we feature for our debut FS 15 under 35 list. A list that not only inspires but takes impact at its heart.

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06 Bangladeshi startups | Click on image for more
06 Bangladeshi startups | Click on image for more

These Are The 06 Most Potential Bangladeshi Startups That Launched In 2015

This list is our attempt to celebrate the progress we made in 2015 and at the same time, drawing attention of all stakeholders to add bricks to the eco-system. There are companies with more potential than these six for sure but at this moment these startups look potential to us because all of these startups are extremely risky ventures and have huge future growth potential if done right.

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the league of extraordinary women 2015
the league of extraordinary women'15 | Click on image for more

The League Of Extraordinary Women Changing Bangladesh’s Tech Industry

In Bangladesh more women are joining workforce and participating in business, corporates, NGOs, Government and more. Here is a list of 6 Women, in no particular order, who have built extraordinary career in technology, founded their own organizations, or running one as chief, and contributing greatly to the society.

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4 startups founded by Women
4 startups founded by Women | click on image for more

The 4 Coolest Tech Startups In Dhaka Founded By Women

Under-representation of women in technology is a global phenomenon. It is no different in Bangladesh either, more so because representation of women in overall business ecosystem is slim in Bangladesh. There might be many reasons but more plausible few are: culture and lack of role models. But there are women who are breaking out and threading their own path. 4 tech startups founded by women and doing well in Bangladesh.

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What makes a great Startup CEO Infographic cover
What makes a great Startup CEO Infographic | Click on image for more

10 Essential Qualities Of A Great Startup CEO [Infographic]

Being a roller-coaster it is, a startup requires a different type of CEO than an established company. In a startup, CEO is the person who does almost everything. He is the sales guy, leader, recruiter, communicator, and more which means a startup CEO has to be different in a significant way. However, what makes a great startup CEO remains a difficult question to answer.

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8 ways to save money as startup
8 ways to save money as startup | Click on image for more

In The Startup World, Money Is Time : 8 Ways To Save Money As Startup [Infographic]

Most startups don’t get enough time to launch and validate their products and iterate if things don’t go as planned. Because doing so is expensive and most startups run out of money. However, founders who understand things and can see beyond line do things differently. They keep their burn rate low and work hard to stay in the game for a longer period of time.

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Fahim Mashroor
Fahim Mashroor | Click on image for more

Four Lessons From Fahim Mashroor On Building An Internet Company In Bangladesh

Fahim Mashroor, now famous founder of Bdjobs.com, is among the few people who got it right when it comes to building a successful internet company in Bangladesh. His company, Bdjobs.com, was valued at one hundred and fifty crore last year when Seek International became a partner in the company.

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The 30 Most Common But Avoidable Mistakes First-Time Founders Make

If you are not brutally honest with yourself, you can’t make informed decisions that will truly improve your company. You will hide behind excuses and spin stories to yourself explaining away why you have to keep doing the rest of the things on the list. You can’t believe all the stories you tell. You need a healthy dose of skepticism (not the same as self-doubt or lack of self-belief) to make real forward progress.

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lessons from 6 Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs
lessons from 6 Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs | Click on image for more

06 Lessons From 06 Bangladeshi Women Entrepreneurs

Time and again, we interviewed, featured, listened to extraordinary women doing great things from all walks of life. We have learned a great deal from all their stories. Here is such six lessons from six Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs who have embarked on uncharted path and managed to continue.

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BD leather Industry

17 Facts You Should Know About Bangladesh Leather Industry

Leather is the second largest export sector of Bangladesh next to RMG.

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Syed Manzur Elahi
Syed Manzur Elahi | Click on the image for more

17 Facts You Should Know About Syed Manzur Elahi, Founder Of Apex

Syed Manzur Elahi is the chairman of Apex group, a leading business organisation in Bangladesh. He is also the founding chairman of Mutual Trust Bank and Grey Advertising Bangladesh.

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college drop out

06 Problems Every Early Stage Woman Entrepreneur Faces In Bangladesh, Backed By Personal Experiences

Last year, we took time and spoke to few women entrepreneurs to know more about the problems and obstacles they face. Here is a list of most common problems women entrepreneurs go through.


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