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MommyDaddyMe: A Safe Global Social Connectivity and Knowledge Sharing Platform for Children and Families

Mommydaddyme.com is an online platform for children where your kids can have a secure online playground to make friends, learn from children across the world, read digital books, learn various languages, access personal profile, play educational games and much more. In simple, it is a platform at the intersection of the social networking and learning for children and family with strong security features.

In the United Kingdom, studies show that children between 5-15 years of age spend an average of 3 hours online daily. This is more than what they spend watching TV. The scenario is no different in Dhaka. More children today live in households where they have access to multiple devices and parents are increasingly relying on the electronic gadgets to keep their kids busy when they struggle to maintain a demanding urban life. This has several consequences.

Children are increasingly accessing the internet at younger ages and in many instances using sites they should not be using including social media like Facebook and Instagram, often beyond the knowledge of their parents. This is leading to many challenges. Kids are coming across unwanted individuals and contents, including harmful games and videos, which they are getting addicted to at a young age. Using social media networks that are essentially created for adults are bad for their physical and mental health and has serious long-term psychological and behavioral consequences.

Studies have shown that excessive use of social media leads to depression and anxiety in kids. It affects their attitude and performance at schools. A study by a team of economists at the University of Sheffield, shows using social media, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, can have an adverse effect on self-esteem. A recent article in the Economist magazine clearly articulates how social media creates the FOMO (fear of missing out) phenomena which is a contributing factor in making users feel unhappy and unsatisfied. The more time children spend chatting on social media platforms, the less happy they feel about their school work, the school they attend, their appearance, their family and their life overall.

While the disadvantages of children accessing the internet and other electronic gadgets have been well documented, it is a struggle for parents to decide whether to completely prohibit children from using the internet, knowing that the use of the internet is inevitable in this day and age. With the changes in our lifestyle combined with the increasingly busy career of parents, raising a child in a healthy and wholesome way has become a lofty ambition for most families. Moreover, in the urban setting, proper socialization opportunities has shrunk significantly over the years. There is no more unlimited playground. Gadgets are the new playground. Now, we all know that there are many advantages the Internet offers; it takes down borders and can bring knowledge and education to the doorstep of families.

While it is logical to be worried about the rampant use of the internet and social media, it is also true that social media helps children to develop learning skills, build social skills and develop friendships and see the world out there. If a safe usage environment can be ensured, the internet and social media can help parents in creating a healthy development environment for kids. This is what MommyDaddyMe, a safe and secure global learning and social media platform for children, promises to offer.

Javed Rahman and Leslie Wang, - photos in the cover - husband and wife duo, founded the company in 2015 with an ambition to build a secure global social networking and knowledge-sharing platform that helps children connect with friends, learn from educators, collaborate and more. Headquartered in Hong Kong, MDM today has operations in Singapore, Shenzhen, New York, India, Kochi, Philippines, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The company is eyeing to grow its presence in Bangladesh. It has a local team in Dhaka led by Mir M Hasan and consists of a group of passionate professionals.

In the United Kingdom, studies show that children between 5-15 years of age spend an average of 3 hours online daily. This is more than what they spend watching TV. The scenario is no different in Dhaka. More children today live in households where they have access to multiple devices and parents are increasingly relying on the electronic gadgets to keep their kids busy when they struggle to maintain a demanding urban life. This has several consequences.

The idea - keeping children safe online

Mommydaddyme.com is an online platform for children where your kids can have a secure online playground to make friends, learn from children across the world, read digital books, learn various languages, access personal profile, play educational games and much more. In simple, it is a platform at the intersection of the social networking and learning for children and family with strong security features. “We are keen to take down the borders and enable children to communicate, with other children or with educators around the world, under the supervision of their parents,” said Javed Rahman, CEO of MommyDaddyMe.com. "We want to help parents raise children to be responsible users of the digital world”

In everything that MommyDaddyMe.com does, security of users, meaning children and families, comes first. For instance, a child can't start using the platform if they wish to, it has to come through a parent. In order for a child to use the site, the parent has to first create an account on mommydaddyme.com and verify their identity. To use the social network and messaging feature and connect with other children, kids need parental permission. The platform allows users to create posts and share their talents with friends and family, have competitions and post pictures, learn different languages, read digital books, take live classes while parents can have a dashboard so they can always have nurturing eyes over what their children are doing.

While it is logical to be worried about the rampant use of the internet and social media, it is also true that social media helps children to develop learning skills, build social skills and develop friendships and see the world out there. If a safe usage environment can be ensured, the internet and social media can help parents in creating a healthy development environment for kids. This is what MommyDaddyMe.com, a safe and secure global learning and social media platform for children, promises to offer. Javed Rahman and Leslie Wang, husband and wife duo, founded the company in 2015 with an ambition to build a secure global social networking and knowledge-sharing platform that helps children connect with friends, learn from educators, collaborate and more.

MDM has a roaster of impressive global partners
MDM has a roaster of impressive global partners

Key features

MommyDaddyMe is not a mere social network for children. The platform is designed with the intentions of creating an engaging and fun platform for children that is secure as well one that offers maximum learning opportunities. Children get the opportunity to connect with other kids from around the world and exchanges ideas, views and learn from other cultures, play educational games, take part in online tutoring and more and parents are given tools to control how and when children access the site and can actively engage in their children’s communication and development, including observing online tutoring sessions.

“MommyDaddyMe.com is the culmination of our long-held dream and aspiration. As a businesswoman and mother of a young child, I am very passionate about bringing the best resources to children, maximizing their potential and ensuring family’s involvement in that process,” said Leslie Wang, co-founder, and COO of the company. “The rapid growth of Internet offers us unprecedented opportunities to share and acquire knowledge. I share the same concerns with other parents about young children’s online safety. We built MommyDaddyMe.com to keep children socially connected but also encourage them to spend time with friend and families in other outdoor activities.”

Here are some key features of the platform:

A global social network for children: A healthy social networking for young kids (4-12-year-old) under parental supervision that helps children to learn social skills, make friendships and learn from others. The platform is secure, parents can guide and see what children are doing online.

World-class fun learning opportunities: MommyDaddyMe brings a host of learning opportunities for children. The platform has fun games to help kids learn new skills and languages. It has a partnership with Scholastic, the world’s largest children books publisher and publisher of Harry Potter, through which it allows children to access over 1000 e-books online. It offers live online classes on a host of topics taught by international teachers. MommyDaddyMe has also been working on developing content for Bangladesh market. MommyDaddyMe has integrated Languagenut, an engaging and effective language learning solution for children, through which children can learn over 30 languages.

Understand your child using S- factor: Parents can use patented leading psychometric model for understanding critical success factors and personality traits of their children as well as consult with experts within the platform.

Most importantly, a safe cyberspace for your children: At a time when children cybersecurity is a growing concern, MommyDaddyMe is a godsend. The platform has implemented an impeccable security system including ensuring registration oversight, supervision and guidance, and communication flow to ensure a safe place for children and families that an fill the gap of a lack of an online platform for children.

MommyDaddyMe.com is not a mere social network for children. The platform is designed with the intentions of creating an engaging and fun platform for children that is secure as well one that offers maximum learning opportunities. children get the opportunity to connect with other kids from around the world and exchanges ideas, views and learn from other cultures, play educational games, take part in online tutoring and more and parents are given tools to control how and when children access the site and can actively engage in their children’s communication and development, including observing online tutoring sessions.

MommyDaddyMe web sreenshot on Sept 04, 2018
MommyDaddyMe web screenshot on Sept 04, 2018

Why you should care

Technology is the future of our world. There is no denying to that. We need to find ways to allow our kids to ride on that future. We need to find ways for our children so that they can take the opportunities that the internet has to offer. While using social media can lead to unhappiness in children and unsafe internet consumption can jeopardize the life of a child, the use of the internet is not a one-size-fits-all activity. Children are using the internet in a wide variety of ways – some of which can add value to their lives and change their lives for the better. We have seen the power of the internet over the last decade - its ability upend system, create global movements and empower people who had no voice before. For every child out there, this offers an extraordinary opportunity.

The important thing is finding where that value is and guiding children to make most out of their time online. MommyDaddyMe makes this easy for parents. It has built a safe and secure platform for children and families that can not only fulfill the social media need of children, it also offers excellent learning and development opportunities for children. If you have a kid under 13 years old, you should try MommyDaddyMe.com today. It may change his or her life.

Where can you go to learn more?

You can go to www.mommydaddyme.com or download MommyDaddyMe app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Cover photo: MommyDaddyMe Founders | Co-founder & COO: Leslie Wang and Co-founder & CEO: Javed N Rahman | From left to right | Photo by MDM
This story was commissioned by MDM

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