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FSW 64: The state of edtech, Eight founders on organization building, Solve the most important problems in your field

Hello everyone, welcome to yet another edition of FS Weekly.

In this week’s edition, we curate 5 fascinating articles we published in FS and also another 5 mind-expanding gems from across the internet.

So without further ado, on to the updates:

Be bold, and enjoy!

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Market-map: The state of edtech in Bangladesh

So far, ed-tech in Bangladesh has been seeing consistent growth over the past several years. The use of technologies in education was already widespread before COVID. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns accelerated the adoption and reach of online education, resulting in significant growth in the industry. With a large young population and increasing internet and smartphone penetration, the market has only one way to go — up. The speed of this growth might vary, but edtech is in for an excellent growth ride. 

The trend towards online education, both in formal settings such as schools and universities, as well as in the corporate sector, has become more pronounced, leading to the emergence of new trends. 

The number of ed-tech startups and investment in the sector has increased. The government has shown support for the development of the ed-tech industry, providing various incentives and funding opportunities for local companies. 

Read our deep dive into edtech here

Eight founders on organization building, dealing with entrepreneurial challenges, culture-building, surviving and thriving

Our latest collection of founder interviews features Amir Salihefendic, founder and CEO of Doist, Abdullah Al-Rezwan, Founder of MBI Deep Dives, Bijon Islam, Co-founder and CEO of LightCatsle Partners (LCP), Azra Salim, Founder of Shombhob Health, Mohan Belani, founder and CEO of E27, Parvez Akhter, Founder and CEO of ThemeXpert and ThriveDesk, Zareen Mahmud Hosein, and Rayana Hossain, founder and CEO of ISHO. Read

To build important companies, solve important problems

Startups are about solving problems. The success of any startup depends on the type of problem it solves. If you are solving an important problem that resonates with a large number of people, you’ll build something important that will lead to an excellent outcome. If you don’t work on an important problem, you’ll build a redundant venture that will struggle to survive.

Read our analysis on why you should solve important problems

May edition: 03 startups to watch

In this edition of Startups to Watch, we feature three companies: a mental health startup, a small business management app, and a fashion-focused ecommerce company. You can read previous editions of startups to watch here.  

Reading recommendations 

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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