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Excellence Demands Worship


Satyendra Nath Bose, the legendary Bengali physicist, was famously known for Boson particle and Bose-Einstein Statistics. When He was a professor at University of Dhaka he lead a remarkably different life- you can call it a life of a worshiper. He was always found in his lab analyzing problems with unprecedented contemplation, no matter day or night. He was a center of inquisitiveness among the students and colleagues. There are several stories about him. A story goes: "Once Bose went to theater along with his daughter to watch cinema. But after reaching there he found his pocket empty and there was no ticket. He left in his room. Then he returned home with his driver to take back the ticket leaving his daughter at the Theater. When he entered into room he was caught by a cool mathematical problem. He just sat in his study room and started to solve the problem and forget the whole thing of theater, ticket and even his daughter. After 1 or 2 hours he was back in the world of consciousness with shouting of the driver waiting out of his house.

Satyen Bose was a worshiper of discovery. When a new problem evokes, he was out of life, he was then a devotee. When you are doing something you really care about, act like a worshiper. Be romantic, be a devotee. When you do something, do it with highest contemplation. Fire the filth of ego. Be a devotee.

When I talk about devotion to work, I talk about the Japanese people. Japanese management style is considered to be untapped treasure for global management literacy. Western management experts conduct hundreds of researches to find out the inspiration, and main essence of Japanese Management. Arthur M. Whitehell in his Book “Japanese Management: Tradition & Transition” found three Confucian teachings that works as inspiration to Japanese mangers.

  1. Unquestioned Obedience to family:  “Strict familistic norms were quite consistent with the vertical society of Japanese Feudal period ( Tokugawa regime, 1603-1868). They continue today to influence relation not only in the natural family but in the corporate family as well.”

  2. Total loyalty to one’s superior: “This percept was given strong support by the traditional Samurai military code known as Bushido. Japanese managers are benevolent yet firm, paternalistic yet demanding. "

  3. A reverence for education: “Extensive reading, creative writing and the pursuit of culture and art were highly regarded among a rather leisurely peaceful warrior class.”

Though modern mangers are not strictly following these teachings but these teachings worked as source code for the development of modern management style.

By following these teachings as worship, Japanese construct their body and mind as a workaholic. When they work, they work like a Samurai, the traditional warrior. You don’t need to follow the Japanese. Just feel the essence of their way of working. If you are not so romantic about what you are doing, if you can’t feel the devotion to the work like a worshiper then you are not the one who will gain excellence.

Complement with Do one thing and do it obsessively

Mr. Julfikar Islam is currently studying Marketing (4th year) at University of Dhaka. He is truly an organizational being. He has been working with a number of knowledge-based organizations for last 3 years within the University. His area of specialization is Supply Chain Management. He also has an effective knowledge about Branding, Current Market trends. He has been blogging for last 1 year about these issues in a number of national blog and community website.

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One comment on “Excellence Demands Worship”

  1. A reverence for education: “Extensive
    reading, creative writing and the pursuit of culture and art were highly
    regarded among a rather leisurely peaceful warrior class.”

    if we can learn this one thing only

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