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Good News for start-ups: New Venture Capital firm on Board

Good News for start-ups: New Venture Capital firm on Board

A new Venture Capital Company named by BD Venture is going to be in full operation from today. The firm aims at helping start-up entrepreneurs, with a capital shortage, to start their business by providing investment facilities. Along side the firm is also planning to help entrepreneurs with training and skill development facilities. Here goes few interesting scoops:


Name: BD Venture Ltd

The Big Idea: The business who need money to run or expand their business but do not have collateral or is not eligible for loan from Bank/NBFI, can access alternative way of financing from BD Venture. The investment will be in the form of equity. It'll also provide advice/consultancy services in the area of Marketing, finance, HR Management etc.

Location: BD Venture located in the Banani area of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Capital: The Paid up capital of the company is BDT 10 corer.


Venture capital business is a kind of new business for Bangladesh but in developed countries, even in India, this is a regular business. Besides, it has been found that Venture Capital opportunity has a quite positive relationship with inspiring entrepreneurship.

BDVL wants to inspire entrepreneurship through helping start-up with capital it needs to go ahead.

Disclaimer: Featuring a company does not mean we take any credibility risk of that company. Please check all aspects of your deal prior of making a business with respective company.

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