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Passivity serves the Status Quo, Time cries for Activism

Passivity serves the Status Quo, Time cries for Activism

Meherin Sultana is a Graduate from Dhaka University. Now she is doing her MBA in Faculty of Business Studies in the same University. At the same time she is reading heart & soul to appear at the BCS Examination. She lives in a Hall and likes Pakura, making adda with friends and obviously so fond of Hindi Serial and Bollywood movies. She passed four years of graduation acquiring a good CGPA and moving around the campus with her friends and watching the serials and movies.

Sometimes she feels sympathy for the child begging in the University campus .Sometimes she gets worried about the destructive student politics. Sometimes she dreads of continuous clashes between the two political parties. But when she logs into Facebook, starts watching serials and movies she gets absorbed as well as cool that splashes away her anxiety about everything. She starts a new day and dreams to have a good job and happy conjugal life.
Meherin knows she is not so different from others, she is very typical. She appreciates her friends who are trying to do a different job. But she doesn’t dare to do a different thing that involves a sort of risk, a sort of insecurity. Yeah, most of the university students are typical and passive like Meherin. They feel something is needed to do; someone needs to do to change the whole situation. But they will never go forward to take any actions to change at least one thing. This is the hypocrisy of young generation that serves the status quo, which restricts the change for a better situation.

From the 2nd half of the first decade of 21st century the world has seen a paradigm shift of communication. One of the causes of that is mass popularity of and access to Internet and especially to the social media. Individuals are getting empowered. Extent of ‘right to know’ and ‘right to speak’ has got a new dimension. People are now going to be overloaded by the information and they can share whatever they like. That creates a problem of focus. The avatars (virtual entity of people) are getting absorbed by the same sort of typicality they possess in their real life. They love to share their sorrows, happiness, anxieties, responsibilities, feelings of patriotism, philosophies in those media .They can easily criticize the people doing harm to the country, the society, they think. They can condemn the systems and the whole thing that irritates them hat hinders them to do their typical job. But they never feel encouraged to do something to change the system, to create an example to show the people that ‘its best way of doing’. Here is the passivity, absence of activism that serves the status quo.

I don’t want to waste so many words to write that we all know what is needed to do. Most of us know the ways to do something for change. Just have the dare to take the initiative and make a move towards the change. That’s the way we can add meaning to our life, that’s the way we can prove us human being, that’s the way we can materialize the dream of a better world.

Mr. Julfikar Islam is currently studying Marketing (4th year) at University of Dhaka. He is truly an organizational being. He has been working with a number of knowledge-based organizations for last 3 years within the University. His area of specialization is Supply Chain Management. He also has an effective knowledge about Branding, Current Market trends. He has been blogging for last 1 year about these issues in a number of national blog and community website.

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4 comments on “Passivity serves the Status Quo, Time cries for Activism”

  1. well said Julfikar, however, it is much easier said than done. It's easy to say that, go ahead and make things happen and there is nothing like impossible but questions often arise, is it that simple to start anything, do anything, make changes happen. Well, in western countries, they have enough scopes to grow for young people, to take and realize their initiative, do you really think in a 3rd world country like Bangladesh, girl like  "Meherin Sultana" has any other ways but watching serial and reading for BCS? If yes, then how? Is it only in theory?

    1. If Motia chaowdhury,Bibi Russel,Selina Hossain,Nasrin Jahan,Wasifa Nazreen can do the creative and change-making jobs Meherin Sultana also has the opportunity as well as the capability to do so.Bangladesh is a land where Pritilota, Begum Rokeya,Sufia kamal,Jahanara Imam born.Whatever the coolest thing is that to make a change you need to start,you need to continue whatever happens.Thanks for your comment

      1. I really appreciate your answer but do you really think that, the name you mentioned, those people really did what they did out of nothing? However,  I do personally believe that, they did not rather it's a matter of opportunity and background you came from. Though, idea of trying is not bad.

  2. It seems not myopic to women empowerment, rather it indeed urges to the inner empowerment which encourages to stand for change not in words actually in action. Thanks Julfikar.......  

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