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Face to face with Mohammad Shoaib, CEO, Nexus Tech Corporation

Face to face with Mohammad Shoaib, CEO, Nexus Tech Corporation

Mohammad Shoaib is the CEO of Nexus Tech Corporation, dealing with the security management aspects of various organizations. He is passionate about new technological innovations in the field of security management systems and networking with individuals from the corporate sector. His relentless persuasion towards perfection has ensured Nexus Tech Corporation to become one of the pioneers in its field of operations. He is also the Chairman, International Communications at JCI Dhaka Central. In a conversation with Future StartUP he explored a lot of issues from personal success to entrepreneurship state in Bangladesh to entrepreneurial success factors.

Future StartUp: Tell us about yourself and your passion in life.

Mohammad Shoaib: I have a knack for convincing people and motivating them to get the job done. Along with it I picture myself as a person following a strict time management code. So sometimes when people around me cannot deliver to my expectations I do get angry. But positive anger is good, because it drives you to your destination.
My passion was and will always be setting up an NGO for equipping the unskilled people with various skills so that, they can make a living out of them, and I think I can do it because of JCI Bangladesh: an organization for youths from the age of 18-40 years having the mentality to make a positive change in the society, of which I am a proud member.

FS: Tell us about “Nexus Tech Corporation”, about its past accomplishment & Future plan.

Mohammad Shoaib: Nexus Tech Corporation started back in January 2010 with the goal of catering to the Hi-tech security needs of various firms. We strive to offer a unique ability to provide customers with an unmatched combination of solutions for IT infrastructure and security systems while ensuring a never-ending pursuit of 100% customer satisfaction.
In a very short period of time, Nexus Tech Corporation has worked with many renowned corporate houses in the field of security management. At the same time various companies’ physical security have migrated from an analog, centralized landscape to one that is network-based and IP- focused. That means the respective companies existing network infrastructure have been leveraged to deliver video security solutions in new and exciting ways that drive business and increases efficiency.
Nexus Tech Corp. boasts of smart and tech savvy engineers therefore we are always motivated to bring the latest viable technology in this country.

FS: What inspires you to become an Entrepreneur instead of taking any other easy way?

Mohammad Shoaib: Well after my graduation from University of Nottingham, UK, I came back to Bangladesh and started working for Adex Corporation Ltd. My ex-superior, Engr. Harunor Rashid was very flexible with me for which I am still very grateful to him but I did not get the same working environment that I became used to while working for Sainsbury’s PLC, UK. So I decided to dive into the field of entrepreneurship for more independence. A big thanks goes out to JCI Bangladesh too which made me mentally stronger and has given the courage to take the bold step.

FS: How did you come up with the idea of “Nexus Tech Corporation”?

MS: When I came back to Bangladesh after almost 15 years, I realized that we were lagging behind the world in terms of hi-tech security systems and the population still believed in having security guards instead of getting digital security. The idea of opening a security management firm then struck me and the Nexus Tech Corporation was born.

FS: After you came up with the idea, how did you get started? Please walk us through what the first few months of your journey were like.

MS: Tanvir Bhai and I agreed on opening the firm. I still remember the days when we had to shun the social activities and plan the whole day as to how to get the business on a greener pasture. Initially losses were faced as expected although it took a bit longer but Thanks to Almighty Allah, we met and were supported by Ex-IG Mr. Shamsher Ali and Major (Retd.) Wahidul Islam and under their guidance the company flourished. Today the company can boast of some renowned corporate houses as its clients.

FS: What were the biggest obstacles you faced in your journey to date? And how did you overcome them?

MS: The biggest obstacle that I faced was those gruesome first few months, when the losses were heavy and the projects were scarce. I had a real fidgety temper back then but my Mom and dad used to say “Boy, after darkness comes the Light so be patient and continue with your effort.” But then of course later we had by Ex-IG Mr. Shamsher Ali and Major (Retd.) Wahidul Islam as our advisors so things eventually took a bright turn.

FS: What would you say are the biggest drivers of your success today?

Mohammad Shoaib (MS): My dream that I will leave a positive legacy behind, even when I am gone, drives me and my family members along with them my close friends: Yasir Siraj, Samir Malik, Toufique Chowdhury, Tanvir Ahsan, Ali Chohan, Karan Kapoor, Sarina Tewari, Haroon Rashid, Mahbobur Rahman, Jawad Quader, Zaheda Malik, Dimcy Chopra supports me in my pursuit. Also a special thanks goes to JCI Bangladesh for motivating me to carry on in my pursuance of the dream I dreamt in my childhood. (my apologies if I left anyone’s name out)

FS: You are the CEO of “Nexus Tech Corporation”, certainly there were lots of ups & downs before you come in today’s position.

MS: Fine, you have your good days and bad days. But the good thing is that I always try to be around people who are very practical and not too much emotionally inclined when faced with problems of life. This helped me in overcoming the obstacles that life threw at me. Those experiences have made me better equipped to deal with any unforeseen circumstances that life has in store for me.

Ultimately Life is like a boat in a vast ocean, you just have to be damn good smart sailor to sail it and brave the storms.

FS: Tell us briefly about your biggest experiences and learning.

MS: All the experiences and learning gained no matter how small or big they are made me what I am today.
But for the record, when I was working for Sainsbury’s PlC, UK, the first time I received the star employee of the month, I realized how important customers are and how to effectively communicate and serve them their needs. Also studying abroad has made me aware of how to effectively communicate with the people from the various countries and cultures.

FS:  Let’s say if you can start all over again what are the three mistakes you avoid and what are the three positive things you would do first?

MS: Well, I am satisfied with the mistakes I made because they made me more matured in my drive to a successful and satisfied life.
Positive things would be Networking, Networking and Networking courtesy of JCI Bangladesh

FS: What are the biggest obstacles for young Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh in your eyes?

MS: Well, to me biggest obstacles are:

  • After graduation get a work experience
  • Lack of support from the family
  • Lack of 'can-do attitude'
  • Not so business friendly environment.

FS: Advice our “Young Startup Entrepreneurs” who are just going to start their Initiatives and want to bring them to success.

MS: All the great businessmen started from scratch so don’t give up midway just because you are not having the sunny days. Remember a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity and the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

FS: From your perspective what are the 5 mandatory traits/capabilities for a youth change maker/entrepreneur to become successful?

MS: Well, the followings in my views are important ingredients:

  • Always have a vision in your life and divide the vision in missions
  • Love what you do, no matter how small in stature it might be, because even before you learnt how to walk, you had to crawl
  • Hard work as I believe continuous effort is the key to unlocking your potential
  • Make time to be more active socially because you never know the person you met today might come handy in the future and vice versa.
  • In business, someday will be your lucky days and on others you will face obstacles. So have the patience and the attitude to face them because all the good things come to those who wait.

FS: Thank You for giving us your valuable time.

Mohammad Shoaib: Thank you too.

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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