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What is your story?

What is your story?

Today's post is written by FS intern "Nipu Nur Billah" & (edited by Mohammad Ruhul kader)

"Our stories matter... Your stories matter… For you never know how much of a difference they make and to whom". ~ Caroline Joy Adams

 If you are a start-up entrepreneur then storytelling is a must have skill for you. Or if you want to be one of them who shake the world. If You aspire to become next Steve Jobs or a copy of Steve! Ok, then tell the world what is your story? What's the story of your venture that you've started or going to start? Steve Jobs had his own story, Mark too. So what is yours? Does it dazzle people, Consumers, investors, stakeholders? Or you cannot even tell it in that articulative way. Or your story is not worth telling. If your business does not have a story worth telling, better you do not start it.

Truth must be told. If you think of becoming an entrepreneur then please keep your story be ready; story that will dazzle everyone around. That will dazzle money, will dazzle masses and make history.

Story telling is one of the most critical skill that differentiate between a successful Startup Entrepreneur & one that fail. It is one of the most essential skills to convince people you truly need to convince to get your job done. Lets check more about 'storytelling'.

What makes good story:

Pablo Neruda said the stuff better. Here what he said is, “two things make a story. The net and the air that falls through the net.” Don't understand? then try what Marcus Sedgwick said- “A story has its purpose and its path. It must be told correctly for it to be understood.

John Steinbeck said most important things about telling story. Steinbeck said that- "If a story is not about the hearer he [or she] will not listen. A great lasting story is about everyone or it will not last. The strange and foreign is not interesting--only the deeply personal and familiar.”

A good story must:

  • touch the heart of audience
  • have meaning that ignite thought
  • use striking imagery
  • go with the audience
  • give you delight to tell
  • fascinate & ignite audience's minds

Why storytelling?

Story inspires, motivates and make communication more effective. There is an Indian Proverb that prescribes the importance of storytelling better. It said- “Tell me a fact and I'll learn. Tell me a truth and I'll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”

For start-up's a catchy and meaningful story is critical for wining the heart & money of investors. It also helps in wining consumers mind & motivating people inside the organization.

A good story kills nine birds with a stone: it brings you angel investors, media crowd and It tells people what the product or service does and the benefits of using it and also explain why one should buy yours rather than others product.

Not only entrepreneurs but everyone of us need to learn storytelling. Because in every steps of our life we need to narrate ourselves, our skills & accomplishment. Where an Startup entrepreneur tell his/her story before a board room there a job seeker tell his story before an interview-board. So, what is your story? keep it ready.

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3 comments on “What is your story?”

  1. “Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”।liked this part most.Starting an innovative business always
    create a story material that can dazzle people.It acts as a source of inspiration for the new entrants.

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