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Paul Graham on Making something people want

Paul Graham on Making something people want

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days by Jessica Livingston is one of our favorite books (Cue: An incomplete reading list for this summer). For start-up entrepreneurs it’s a must read- full of gold! We are peeking some interesting advices from the book to give you a quick view. Here goes Paul Graham's advices for start-ups:

What Y Combinator prints on our T-shirts: make something people want. If you make something users want, they will be happy, and you can trans-late that happiness into money. That is the basis of a startup. A startup is a company that builds some kind of technology that people want. The mistake that a lot of founders make is to build something they think users want, but that users don’t actually want.

Paul Graham Co-founded Viaweb to make software for building online stores. Viaweb was acquired by Yahoo in June 1998 and renamed Yahoo Store. In 2005, Graham co-founded Y Combinator, a seed-stage investment firm


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