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FS Weekly

The largest entrepreneurship and technology focused email newsletter in Bangladesh.
Everything you need to know about startups, tech, entrepreneurship, major trends, from the peoples to the companies to the deals.

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Subscriber to our weekly newsletter and join a community of 11,000+ active (total 24,000+) intellectually curious people like you.
Our loyal readership consists of entrepreneurs, technologists, marketers, business and tech professionals curious about new products and services for improving their professional and private lives.


Suscribers 11,000+
Average open rate
15% to 25%
Top reader origins Bangladesh, India, Singapore, US, and Southeast Asian and European markets
Occupation profile Entrepreneurs, business, and tech professionals from across industries working in entry-level, mid-level, and leadership roles
Newsletter frequency Once weekly (usually Sunday/Monday evening Bangladesh Time)
We collaborate with brand partners on our newsletter, if you are interested, please drop an email at info@futurestartup.com

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