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Simplifying Blood Donation

Finding blood is hard. Even harder when you need it most. The number of donors and organizations both have increased in recent years. Awareness about donating blood is no more a problem. Still people face problem finding donors. A new application, launched recently, namely Blood Hero, aims to solve this problem by matching donors with blood seekers.

Developed by Creative IT, a local tech firm, Blood Hero app seeks to make blood donation more safe, trustworthy, and fast. There are organizations and websites that provide almost similar kind of services for free then why we need another app, the answer is self evident. Blood Hero app does things with enhanced efficiency, accuracy, speed, and better.

You can do few things on Blood Hero. Once you download the app from Play Store, you can see list of blood donors with their geographic locations. Also, if you are a donor or want to be one you can put up your own information. The user interface is friendly and organized.

The app integrates GPS that helps donor searching easier and effective. Once you are looking for donor the app will display information of donors in the nearby areas opening the app according to GPS. If you are living in a particular area and looking for a donor of that area, you can easily match by using the app. Similarly, a donor can also see whether the patient is in his/her area. This makes donor matching a lot easier. You can either call or text a donor. You can also save donors name in favorite list.

While it tries to make finding donor simple and easy it also takes personal security issue in consideration. A donor can hide own contact details for privacy by choosing text only contact option to connect. However, missing part of the app is how it provides incentive to top donors.

The five members developer team of Creative IT— Partha Raz Dev, Taiful Hasan Shuvo, Al Amin, Kazi Jannatul Ferdaus and Halima Akter Mitu — has developed the app. According to developers, although people are aware about blood donation and all but absence of a proper medium to connect donors and patients has been hurting the whole thing. With Blood Hero app they wanted to solve that problem.

Omor works as an Intern at FS. He covers events, writes features, and meets entrepreneurs and makers and doers.

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