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What Happened At Dhaka’s First Networking Night

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Dhaka’s first networking night took place yesterday at the city’s EMK center from 6:00 PM to 8:00 pm. The event organized by hubdhaka, Dhaka’s first coworking space, was packed with entrepreneurs, professionals, freelancers and more.

Networking at event is not something new. Almost all events offer some sort of opportunity to network, we call it social mixing at FS Talk, but a whole event entirely dedicated to networking is first time in Dhaka.

Yesterday it was all set to make participants meet, know and talk to each other. Sajid Islam, Founder and CEO of hubdhaka made it clear at the very beginning of the event as he announced ‘this is an event for making connections, building new relationships, and meeting people you did not meet before. We are not going to do anything, no humdrum, no long speech, just go and talk to the person next to you”. Volunteers and staffs of hubdhaka also took part in introducing people with each other and helping people find the right person to talk.

Although connections are what take you to places and help you to achieve your goals but making connections is hard work. It requires lots of hustle. Hence, an event like Networking Night is a perfect place for startups and freelancers and entrepreneurs to get to know each and create opportunities for future collaboration.

The event was sponsored by Payoneer, and Rotary Club, EMK Center was the venue partner, Coca Cola was the beverage partner, and Future Startup and Checkmate were the Media Partner, Unifox was associate partner of the event. 

Image by hubdhaka

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