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Asia To Be The World's Fastest Growing Region In 2015

Global GDP growth prospects by Economist Intelligence Unit Chart: Global GDP growth prospects by Economist Intelligence Unit

In a report published Today IMF predicts, In 2015 Asian economies will be the fastest growing region in world, growing at a 5.6% pace, however, this growth will largely be affected by the decisions and actions by the policy makers.

In a similar report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit earlier this year predicted that, the world economy will grow at 2.9% whereas Asian Economies except Japan will see a faster growth. However, IMF report predicted that recoveries in India and japan will contribute to higher growth in Asia whereas growth in the region will vary widely. The forecast said Myanmar will grow at 8.3% whereas India, China and Japan to see growth at 7.5%, 6.8% and 1% respectively.

Source: Economist, The Financial Express

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