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Samira Zuberi Himika On Hard Work And Reality Of Being An Entrepreneur

The word "Entrepreneurship" may sound very cool. You may find the whole idea of becoming an entrepreneur very trendy, amusing or sexy. You may just want to try it because you are inspired by people like us who are giving great speeches or mentoring you in many events or may be because some of your friends are trying it out.

You have to put work everyday to build something | Click Image For More

Yes, entrepreneurship is the answer for development. It is the key to unlock one’s fortune, country’s fate and future of human kind. Entrepreneurs bring the innovations, creativity in the market. Most of the times an entrepreneur is a mix of so many things, not just a marketer. We are inventors, craftsman, business developer, new market creator and producer of millions of goods, products and services required by a society, community, country and beyond.

But if you are choosing this life realizing the responsibility and the possibility of the amazing greatness (fame, money, respect etc.) you must also know the other side of the coin.

It is not a seasonal fever. You just cannot stop being an entrepreneur one day just because you don't feel like doing it anymore.

For people who want to start and at the verge of making their own companies my suggestion is - before you take this path for whatever the reason- go and talk to someone who have already walked the path and ask for their honest feedback. I think one should think and reflect before getting started in the world of entrepreneurship.

Here is my take on what you should know about starting a company but you might not know yet because nobody wants to be blamed for reality check which might result discouraging an aspiring entrepreneur! But I think these ideas will help you to get it tick:

  • Entrepreneurship is god damn hard work. You have to let go or give least priority most of the other things you are good at, best at.
  • It is not a seasonal fever. You just cannot stop being an entrepreneur one day just because you don't feel like doing it anymore.
  • Entrepreneurship is a LIFESTYLE. This is a new world all together. Here you may have to sacrifice best things of your personal life.
  • It is an everyday fight with yourself, your co-workers, your board, you supply-chain, your clients and most importantly the external factors on which you have no control over.
  • Only an entrepreneur understands what it takes to start and build a business, no one else can. So, never take suggestions about/on your dream or initiative or enterprise/company/organization from a person who never walked that road before. You are better coach than him/her.
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Anything worth achieving takes 10,000 steps to realize. Click on the Image for More

These are few things one should know before starting her entrepreneurial life. This is the true nature of an entrepreneurial life-be it the world's richest ones, powerful ones, influential ones, successful ones or budding ones. They all live this life everyday. If you ever have a chance to meet them, you can ask. If they are truthful they will tell you.

Happy making 🙂

Samira Zuberi Himika is the founder & Managing Director of ‘team engine’. She believes that for an entrepreneur, it is necessary to know everything that is needed to run a business, never to show the arrogance of passing off a work thinking it’s too minuscule for your position. She is caring and supportive, always encouraging people around her. A self inspired person who worked in major International organizations in communications fields prior of starting her own entrepreneurial journey.

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