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FBCCI's Big Plan To Improve Capacities of Member Bodies, Seeks Big Budget

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) has sought an allocation of nearly BDT 2.0 billion from the government for the next fiscal year, the Financial Express Reports, for an initiative to improve the capacities of its member organisations across the country.

The apex business body of the country plays an important role in consultative and advisory capacity, safeguarding the interest of the private sector and in stimulating investment, development of trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, tourism, human resources and communication sectors.

At present, there are 476 trade organisations under FBCCI. Of these, some 71 are chambers, 8 women chambers, 20 joint chambers and 377 associations. The FBCCI was established in 1973 under the Trade Organisation Ordinance, 1961 and Companies Act, 1913.

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