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05 Habits of Effective Teams 

Each business leader aspires to have a team that excels, but the path to achieving this goal isn't always clear. Cultivating a high-performing team necessitates instilling fundamental habits within your workforce. Although we perceive our daily tasks as constant decision-making, we mostly operate on habitual patterns. A team entrenched in positive work habits always has a higher chance of getting things done and achieving greater success.

Today, we live in a complex world of work where collaboration is an essential aspect of our work and how we solve problems. It means high-functioning teams are the ones that can work together well. 

To that end, the habits and practices embedded in these teams are the cornerstone of their effectiveness. From communication strategies to cultivating a supportive culture, the habits of effective teams shape their ability to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve shared goals.

In this article, we explore a list of 7 habits that are commonly found in high-performing teams. 

01. Effective Communication 

Communication serves as the lifeblood of successful teams. It's not just a feature but a core habit that significantly impacts every facet of organizational performance. Communication is not merely about the exchange of information, it is also about strategic alignment, seamless operations, and robust relationships.

Clear and concise communication ensures that everyone within the team comprehends their roles, responsibilities, and collective goals. It minimizes misunderstandings, reduces errors, and streamlines processes, enhancing productivity. 

When messages are relayed effectively, it facilitates swift decision-making, enabling teams to respond promptly to challenges and opportunities in a dynamic business environment. Effective communication prompts action and yields outcomes. 

Conversely, poor communication results in errors and setbacks that hinder performance. 

Effective communication isn't merely a habit but a strategic asset that fuels operational efficiency, employee engagement, and ultimately, business success.

02. Takes Initiative 

The proactive approach is where individuals often go beyond their assigned tasks to identify and act upon opportunities and challenges.

Initiative-taking cultivates an environment of innovation and progress. Team members who proactively seek solutions, propose new ideas, or anticipate potential obstacles contribute significantly to the team's agility and adaptability. 

This habit creates a culture where individuals don't wait for instructions but actively engage in problem-solving and improvement efforts, ultimately driving the organization toward its goals.

When team members take ownership of tasks beyond their immediate responsibilities, it streamlines workflows, minimizes bottlenecks, and accelerates decision-making processes. 

03. Creates a Culture of Support and Safety

In a supportive environment, team members feel empowered to voice their opinions, share ideas, and take calculated risks without the fear of judgment or reprisal. This culture encourages diversity of thought and fosters innovation, as individuals are more likely to contribute freely when they feel their contributions are valued and respected.

When employees feel psychologically secure within their team, they're more likely to take risks, be creative, and collaborate effectively. Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities rather than reasons for punishment, allowing for a more agile and resilient team dynamic.

It leads to higher employee engagement, increased retention rates, and a more cohesive team. It also contributes to improved problem-solving abilities as individuals are more willing to brainstorm and explore innovative solutions without the fear of criticism.

A Google study on The Five Keys of Successful Teams found that people in teams that had this culture of trust were less likely to quit, more likely to harness the benefits of diverse ideas, more likely to bring in revenue, and had double the performance ratings.

04. Adapts to Change

Adaptability is a crucial factor that determines an organization's resilience and longevity. Teams that can swiftly adjust strategies, workflows, and priorities in response to market trends, technological advancements, or unexpected challenges are better equipped to thrive in dynamic environments. This habit of adaptability enables teams to stay ahead of the curve, seize new opportunities, and navigate uncertainties with agility.

Adaptability fosters a culture of innovation and growth within teams. When individuals are open to change, they are more inclined to explore new ideas, experiment with novel approaches, and embrace emerging technologies. This mindset fuels creativity and ingenuity, driving continuous improvement and competitive advantage for the business.

In today's fast-paced business world, the capacity to adapt isn't just a bonus, it's a necessity. Teams that resist change or cling to outdated methodologies risk falling behind. Conversely, teams that embrace change view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement, enabling them to stay relevant and resilient in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Overall, adaptability isn't merely a response to change, it's a proactive habit that positions teams for success in an uncertain and rapidly changing business world. It's the cornerstone that enables teams to pivot, innovate, and continually evolve, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in achieving business objectives.

05. Problem-Solving Mindset

Teams equipped with a problem-solving mindset demonstrate agility and resilience. Instead of being deterred by obstacles, they view challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. This mindset encourages creativity and critical thinking, enabling teams to dissect complex problems, explore multiple solutions, and make informed decisions.

A problem-solving mindset contributes to enhanced efficiency and productivity. Teams adept at solving problems effectively streamline workflows and optimize processes. They collaborate efficiently, leveraging diverse perspectives and skill sets to arrive at innovative solutions, thereby driving the organization toward its goals.

In a rapidly evolving business era, the ability to tackle challenges with a problem-solving mindset is invaluable. Teams that embrace this habit anticipate and respond to changes swiftly, minimizing disruptions and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. This proactive stance enables businesses to stay competitive and adapt to market demands more effectively.


Effective teams thrive on a collection of habits that go beyond mere routines—they form the essence of a dynamic and successful collaborative unit. These habits aren't just checkboxes to mark but represent a mindset and approach that elevate teams to their fullest potential. They're the pillars supporting innovation, productivity, and resilience within the business world. When these habits are ingrained within a team's DNA, they create an environment where every member feels empowered, valued, and motivated to contribute their best.

Ultimately, the habits of effective teams aren't static, they evolve, adapt, and refine over time. They form the cornerstone of a team's ability to navigate complexities, innovate, and achieve collective goals in today's ever-evolving business landscape. Embracing and reinforcing these habits isn't just about achieving success—it's about sustaining it over the long haul.

Ayrin Saleha Ria works at Future Startup as a full-time Research Associate. She has a background in Applied Sociology. Before joining the FS team, she worked and volunteered with a number of social organizations. As someone who comes from a social science background, she takes a deep interest in research around important social-economic challenges in our society. A voracious reader, Ayrin is passionate about working for the betterment of society, takes a deep interest in human society and behavioral science, and loves books.

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