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Using the Power of AI, CopywriterPro Promises To Make Creating Good Copy and Content Easy and Inexpensive

Writing is hard. And copywriting that works is harder. Most people don't realize the importance and the difficulty of creating a good copy. This is more so in Bangladesh where good writers are in short supply.

Many founders assume that once you have a good product, it will sell itself. Unfortunately, it is not true. Regardless of how good your product is, you have to sell. And without good copywriting, it is hard to sell on the internet.

Most founders eventually come to their senses and tussle with the challenge of creating good copies. People usually deal with the challenge in one of two ways. Write terrible copies in-house or hire a professional copywriter. However, hiring a good copywriter comes with its own challenges including finding one in the first place, counting the expenses, and finally, managing one.

The challenge of creating high quality content — and growing demand for copywriting and content creation online — has given rise to a new generation of products looking to automate copywriting and content creation. Many of these products take advantage of GPT-3, a sophisticated language model developed by OpenAI that uses machine learning to produce human-like text. Others are building their own tools and solutions in-house.

This is where CopywriterPro, a writing and marketing automation tool created by four Bangladeshi software engineers, comes in. Capitalizing on the global marketing automation meta trend, CopywriterPro aims to offer a cutting-edge solution to the challenges businesses face with creating compelling copies, blog posts, and marketing messages.

What is CopywriterPro? CopywriterPro.ai is a marketing automation platform that uses machine learning to generate textual content instantly, that is copyright-free, unique, and resembles the quality of a professional content writer.

CopywriterPro AI can generate various forms of content such as blog posts, marketing, and sales copy, headlines and descriptions, product details, e-mails, and can paraphrase already prepared content. In a nutshell, it is a versatile tool that can be used for multiple purposes.

How it works: "We have built an AI model which generates output based on user input," says Mirza Nafis Faysal, Co-founder of Copywriterpro. "As more user uses the platform, our model gets updated."

The platform has some 45+ copywriting templates that help anyone from a digital marketer to a school student to a professional to write marketing and sales copy, professional CV, summary, LinkedIn about, etc effortlessly with just a few clicks.

"The centerpiece of our platform is our blog writing tool," says Faysal. "Just let our AI know about the topic you want to write about, it will generate an entire blog post for you. Currently, we support web apps, and are working on chrome extension and mobile apps."

CopywriterPro founders
CopywriterPro founders

The beginning. CopywriterPro came into existence out of necessity. Back in 2020, four friends Faysal, Sakib, Sabic, and Ibrahim, started a software firm. Since content marketing works pretty well in customer acquisition in the world of software development, the team decided to write technical blogs for the purpose of content marketing.

"I wrote a couple of technical blog posts, but it wasn't enough, says Faysal. "I couldn't dedicate enough time because I had to do software engineering, manage our clients, and do business development."

Writing technical posts and hiring technical writers are time-consuming and expensive. The predicament forced the team to think creatively and innovate.

"We had already worked with lots of data and ML-based automation, we thought why not build a tool that can write blog posts for us," explains Faysal.

As they started to think through the problem, other opportunities came into view. They noticed that content has increasingly become a common and necessary marketing tool for companies and organizations across sectors. And writing is a problem for many of these businesses. Particularly many small and medium enterprises can't afford to hire a dedicated team for writing.

The realization eventually led to CopywriterPro. "We started it to solve our own problem and meet our own need for a quick and automated content writing solution," says Faysal. "It has eventually evolved into this independent solution as we come to grasp with the opportunity in the space."

Using the Power of AI, CopywriterPro Promises To Make Creating Good Copy and Content Easy and Inexpensive
It appears CopywriterPro covers a lot of your writing needs

Operation. CopywriterPro has since taken a shape of a small business. The product is currently run by a team of three software engineers. "As a small team, we wear different hats every day, says Faisal. "But our core focus is on building the right product for our users."

The team has taken an excellent approach to build features. Before any new implementation or adding new features, the team publicly talks about it to get users' feedback. The team uses a "building in public" approach to product creation. Every design mockup are shared with users before implementation to see how users respond. The team is cognizant of the fact that the product should be built the way users want it. "We try to understand the pain of our users," says Faysal. "And then work backward from there to solve their pain the simplest way. And the thing we learn the hard way is simplicity is complicated."

Competitive moats. AI writing tools is a fast-growing meta trend across markets, thanks to GPT-3 by OpenAI and similar technologies. In fact, Dhaka has companies like Markopolo that are delving into the marketing automation vertical on the back of GPT-3. The competition in the space will further intensify as the space and technology mature. CopywriterPro says it takes an open eye approach to competition. That it will continue to observe the market and deliver a better product than other alternatives in the market.

"Since our first release, we have tried to make our platform user-friendly and kept improving the quality of our copies based on customer feedback," says Faysal. The drive to deliver the best value to customers is paying off. CopywriterPro has made consistent progress over the past months from an in-house project to launching it to the public. In the last 8 months, the company claims, fifteen thousand users generated some twenty thousand plus marketing copies and blog posts using CopywriterPro.

What are some of the prominent names in the vertical? As I mentioned earlier, we have seen an influx of marketing automation companies in the past few years. Broca, Copysmith, Snazzy (which was acquired by Bounce), Bangladeshi startup Markopolo are some of the names that come to mind that offer various copywriting automation services. Then there are other writing services such as Grammarly that helps people write better.

What is ahead for CopywriterPro? CopywriterPro currently offers a 7-day free trial and has recently made its pricing page public. It is working to release iOS and Android apps.

CopywriterPro team has built a product that solves a critical problem for businesses across sectors. And it delivers quality output. The company says it already has a growing global user base and now aims to put concerted efforts into marketing and grow further.

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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