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With SystemEye Exchange You Can Now Use Your Old Tech Devices to Buy New Ones

SystemEye Exchange is a tech device exchange hub where customers can exchange their used old, functional or otherwise, tech devices and get new devices i.e laptop and desktop. It means customers can buy a new laptop or desktop by selling their old and used devices. 

The exchange hub, an initiative of tech hardware products provider SystemEye Technologies, is an extension of SystemEye’s used device marketplace DeviceMama. The company currently covers only laptops and desktops and eventually aims to expand into other tech products in the coming days. SystemEye recycles these used devices, fix technical problems, and then sell them through its used tech devices marketplace DeviceMama with warranty. 

There is a staggering number of used and old, both functional and dead, electronic devices lying around in our homes. Many people continue using slow and semi-functional computers and tech devices because tech product upgrades and buying new devices are often expensive. Others go straight to e-waste. For businesses, it is often a big capital expenditure that keeps recurring after a few years. 

SystemEye Exchange provides an excellent solution to both problems. With SystemEye Exchange, you can use your old laptops and desktops to buy a new device. It allows people to compensate part of their new gadget budget by selling their old devices, a huge relief in terms of monetary challenges. At the same time, it helps to solve the e-waste challenge by improving recycling and reusing electronic devices. 

How SystemEye Exchange works 

SystemEye Exchange allows you to exchange your old functional or non-functional laptop or desktop for a new laptop. The process is simple. If you want to exchange your old laptop or desktop for a new one, you upload details of your device with photos to a SystemEye Exchange designated form, SystemEye examines the details and gets back to you with a potential price for your used device. If you agree, you can then choose a new laptop/device that you want to buy in exchange for your old one. If your new device costs more than the price you get for your old one, you pay the remainder in cash and get the new device. 

Users can simply go to the SystemEye website and fill up the designated exchange form or they can go to SystemEye Facebook page and communicate through messenger. 

SystemEye has a wide range of brands available including HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, Dell, Apple, and Clone, and Brand Desktop PC. Users can choose any brand they prefer. SystemEye maintains a stock of common models and specifications. If you want any special model or configuration, Systemeye provides that support as well. Customers find this useful. 

SystemEye Exchange is an excellent offer. The best part of the offer to me is the freedom to choose from a long list of brands. In fact, they have almost all renowned brands available and you can choose any brand,” says Shuvendu Saha, a Senior Merchandiser at BEXIMCO Apparel LImited and a SystemEye Exchange customer. “It is wonderful that I can take any laptop in exchange for my old used laptop. I wish them all the best and hope they will continue to grow.”

Customers can submit a maximum of 2 (two) unit old devices against one new device. Systemeye evaluates the old devices and after negotiation, the client adds the remaining amount to get a new one.

SystemEye Technologies launched the Exchange platform about five years ago as a promotional campaign where it announced an exchange offer where users can get a brand new laptop in exchange for any old, working or non-working, laptop, or desktop. The campaign was an instant hit validating the assumption that there is a huge demand for such a service. 

The service has evolved over the years. SystemEye Exchange has recently introduced home delivery and on-demand inspection at home in case your device is not working properly. 

With SystemEye Exchange You Can Now Use Your Old Tech Devices to Buy New Ones
Happy SystemEye Exchange customer | Photo by SystemEye

A fast-growing market 

All of us these days have some old, working or non-working, devices lying idle at home. This e-waste is not only harmful to the environment when dumped, but also for many, it means they don’t have a properly working device. If we can exchange our old devices for new ones, it is an excellent efficiency both for the customers and for the environment.

For many, who lack the budget for new devices, if you could get a new device in exchange for an old one plus small cash payment, that’s a huge advantage. It will help many people to get new devices and thus improve their productivity, as well as help, reduce e-waste helping the environment. 

For businesses, the benefit is huge. Many companies need to buy devices in bulk. For startups and early stage companies, it often means an expensive affair. If there is an opportunity where they can exchange their old devices, it means they can save money on devices that they can allocate for other areas of their business.  

Over the past years, SystemEye Exchange has served both business and retail customers. The exchange has served more than 40,000 devices to corporate and individual clients. The company says it has served 20,000 retail customers. The response from clients in retail and corporate continues to be exceedingly positive. 

The company serves some 100 corporate clients through the program and the number continues to grow. 

Why this is important

There is a huge economic impact of allowing individuals and companies to exchange their old laptops/devices to purchase a new one. There are multiple aspects to this. Old electronic devices are slow and drain productivity. Allowing customers to cash on their used devices and use that money for purchasing a new one means many people would be able to buy new devices relatively easily helping them improve their productivity. It is a good business. You can recycle old laptops and desktops and make them reusable. 

This is equally applicable to companies. For many companies, it is expensive to buy new devices. Similarly, making people do with the old ones means productivity is often taking a hit. If companies can use their old devices to get new ones, it means they can easily upgrade their devices. 

The cumulative social and environmental benefits of exchange are significant. Exchange means you are not dumping your old and unused devices outright. Instead, you are putting them into new use and thus helping reduce e-waste and contribute to environmental safety. 

“I bought a new laptop from SystemEye a few days ago in an exchange offer. The device is of excellent quality. The SystemEye Exchange is an excellent solution to the e-waste problem in Bangladesh,” says Kazi Dawood Hafiz, an Assistant Professor of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, and a customer of SystemEye Exchange. “The company offers a good price for the used old laptops. I believe they will do very well in the coming days.” 

What SystemEye does with the old devices

SystemEye Exchange recycles and reuses these devices. SystemEye, a few years ago, launched a marketplace called DeviceMama that sells old devices, mostly laptops, and desktops. 

Device Mama, launched in 2016, is the country’s first platform to sell used laptop, desktop PC, smartphone, networking hardware, and printer with warranty. SystemEye collects used devices through the exchange program and then recycles them, fixes technical issues, and sells them through the Device Mama platform. 

Device Mama provides a warranty period of 1-6 months to every device it sells according to the condition of the device. The warranty covers all parts and after-sales service. It also offers the pick, drop, and on-site service facility for corporate clients in Dhaka City.

There is a high demand for low cost, good quality second-hand tech gadgets. Price drives the demand and a warranty benefit should add further impetus to that. 

Device Mama says, both personal users and companies are already buying laptops from Device Mama for an attractive price tag and warranty.

The future 

Dealing with used electronic devices is big business. The markets for both device exchange - where users could exchange their old devices for new ones, as well as good quality second-hand devices are big. 

Recommerce or reverse commerce, which is selling used goods particularly electronics ones, is a growing market. There are big businesses in this space in India and Indonesia that raised millions of dollars in venture capital money. 

SystemEye sees an opportunity to build a large business and be a leader in the space in Bangladesh. Being an electronics product retailer, the company enjoys some inherent advantages. It understands the dynamics of the industry and has the necessary industry connections to make the entire supply chain work. 

Over the past years, SystemEye has been able to build sustainable operations in the space. It has expanded its operation into home delivery and on-demand repairing services where customers can call and get electricians to come to their homes to inspect and fix their devices. Bundled together, exchange, second-hand device marketplace and on-demand services for electronic devices, can be a powerful combination to build a large and dominant business in the space. 

Learn more about SystemEye Exchange here.

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