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Bohubrihi Launches Career Track: An Exclusive Online Course on Full-Stack Web Development

Bohubrihi, one of the leading online course providers in Bangladesh, has introduced the first of its Career Track programs in July. It is a series of courses that empower students by gaining confidence in the particular field of web development. The goal for this career track program is to onboard learners from any stage of their web development journey and prepare them as qualified full-stack developers in the market.

A graduate of this program will become a certified full-stack developer and be able to build complete web and hybrid mobile solutions. She will master front-end, back-end, and server-side web and mobile application development using HTML/CSS, modern JavaScript, React (Redux), React Native, SQL, Python, and Django!

Bohubrihi’s career track program hopes to gap the bridge between the hobbyist and the professional by having the learners follow a rigorous training experience to attain job-ready skills in a short span of just four months.

Bohubrihi aims to deliver something more than just traditional video lessons over shared screens. It wants to truly humanize the process of online learning with full-time mentor support, live discussions with the instructors, grooming sessions, counseling for job-hunting to even probable internship placements with its partner companies, and personal feedback on every project done by the individual participants.

A Closer Look at Career Track: An Exclusive Format of Online Courses

To put it simply, the career track program is a collection of the best job-oriented online courses that a full-stack developer needs, designed, and routined in a way that makes the approach effective for learning and mastering.

The outline of the full-stack web development course is designed for maximum output and fast-paced learning, which includes:

  1. HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4
  2. Modern JavaScript programming
  3. React for frontend development with Redux
  4. React native for multiplatform app development
  5. Python programming
  6. SQL for database
  7. Backend development with Django
  8. React with Django REST API

The syllabus can be intimidating for new learners due to the sheer bulk and the anticipated pressure of all the coursework. But Bohubrihi commits to making the journey smooth and comfortable by delivering a structured and guided learning experience, unlike traditional self-paced courses. Someone having no prior coding experience will do just fine if she follows the program with due effort.

Using a comprehensive and timely approach, Bohubrihi aims to deliver something more than just traditional video lessons over shared screens. It wants to truly humanize the process of online learning with full-time mentor support, live discussions with the instructors, grooming sessions, counseling for job-hunting to even probable internship placements with its partner companies, and personal feedback on every project done by the individual participants.

A graduate of this program will become a certified full-stack developer and be able to build complete web and hybrid mobile solutions. She will master front-end, back-end, and server-side web and mobile application development using HTML/CSS, modern JavaScript, React (Redux), React Native, SQL, Python, and Django!

Bohubrihi’s Career Track VS Regular Online Courses

Career tracks are special for some unfair advantages that are infeasible to offer through regular online or offline courses. Enabling these facilities (hence ensuring maximum learning outcome) is the most important factor that led to the designing of this track. 

1. Live Mentor Support

There will be a software engineer available for live support, six days a week during specific hours. If a student runs into any challenge with her lesson or her course work or if there's something she needs to discuss with someone experienced, she can immediately avail it during the support hour. 

Bohubrihi also maintains a discussion forum where students can discuss learning topics, ask questions, and help each other. The forum also serves as a community for students to build connections, interact with fellow students, and make their learning journey more interactive.

2. 11 Portfolio-Worthy Projects

It sounds like a lot but the instructors are going to demonstrate 11 projects during the whole program! Some of these projects are going to be developed as the concepts are being explained to the learners, and the rest are going to be shown as Capstone Projects after the concepts have been explained properly. Students will also be provided with the source codes for practice. The features shown in these projects will give a student the courage to start working on any kind of web application development if she practices enough.

3. Projects Review and Personal Feedback

Students will have to complete and submit 11 projects as assignments outside of the 11 projects that are going to be shown to them throughout the program. Every time someone submits an assignment, the Bohubrihi team will manually review it and let her know of the personal feedback via email. Certificates will be awarded upon each successful assignment completion.

4. Biweekly Live Sessions

Students get to discuss their biweekly progress, challenges, and plans directly with the instructors. The plan is to keep the sessions informal and friendly where students get to hang out with the instructors and mentors twice a month. 

5. Creating A Professional Brand

This program will help the students create their brand with a polished resume, online portfolio, updated, well decorated LinkedIn profiles and GitHub accounts to showcase their experience and knowledge to the fullest.

6. Job and Interview Preparation

There will be an extended session towards the end of the program with guidelines on how web developers are hired locally and internationally, and how students can prepare, where to practice, what kind of portfolio they should have, how to look for a job and apply, what kind of questions there will be in an interview, how to prepare for those questions, what companies look for in a potential candidate, and how to meet those criteria, etc.

7. Potential Internship Opportunities

Another important and useful feature of Bohubrihi’s new career track program is the opportunity for internship placement. Bohubrihi has partnered with some of the most industry famous companies (like Brain Station 23) to connect the best students from the program to the companies for internships and other attachment opportunities.

8. Freelancing Guideline

Web developers skilled in full-stack development often find it better to work as freelancers. Even though the program isn’t focused on freelancing as a web developer, Bohubrihi is still willing to provide the necessary guidance for their students who are interested in working solo.

Bohubrihi Launches Career Track: An Exclusive Online Course on Full-Stack Web Development
Career Track Program by Bohubrihi

Drive your life forward

Bohubrihi believes its learning models and personalized support system will enable an excellent degree of engagement between students and instructors. It promises to be with the learners through every step of their learning graph and groom them to their full potential. 

Bohubrihi has brought novelty to the online learning space of Bangladesh and it hopes to bring more to the table soon. Be sure to look out for its exciting career track programs to come in fields like data science, UX/UI design, digital marketing, and more.

Learn more about the program here.

Tanjila Akter Mim is an editor at Bohubrihi.

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