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Reverse School Launches the UnDo Project

Reverse School is a knowledge sharing platform to empower enthusiasts by focusing on how real optimism lies in learning through diverse experiences. It aims to foster learning through innovation by taking inspiration from unprecedented medium while challenging the conventional mode of education in Bangladesh. And as a part of the mission, it has launched its first initiative, ‘UnDo’, in collaboration with EMK Center & AD Reach. Reverse School is a platform for archiving and sharing human experiences, while UnDo project contributes to that vision by sharing the learnings from experiences of failures.

UnDo is a recurring event supported by EMK Center as Knowledge Partner with an aim to create an impact in the journey of an innovator or risktaker through both digital and physical platforms. It comes from a philosophy that while success has always been glorified throughout the ages, the struggles and the lessons learned in the process have been tucked away underneath and forgotten. But there is more to learn from these stories, a lot of wisdom to be unpacked, lot of stereotypes to be addressed, some of which Undo hopes to highlight slowly and steadily, in the years to come.

UnDo aims to connect aspirant self-starters and individuals from multidisciplinary backgrounds who have tried, stumbled, failed but never gave up. In this regard, UnDo plans to conduct three seminars each season with the participation of successful personalities, who will share the stories of their previous failures to the audience and contemplate on how these cumulated learnings helped them along the way.

UnDO project by Reverse School
UnDO project by Reverse School

UnDo will also archive and feature famous failure stories turned success in their digital platforms with the view to preaching the message that failure is not the end of the world. In fact, in most cases, it provides new direction and finds better opportunities. We only become the better versions of us through these hard-earned learnings; shaping and preparing us for the desired success that awaits! The trick is, Never Give Up! Learn and Move On!

The co-founders of Reverse School, Monsurul Aziz, a startup specialist, and a celebrated social media meme artist and Wasfi Tamim, a professional researcher & businessman believes in the dormant potential of individuals to build solutions for the biggest challenges in society and create a better world. This can be unleashed with not just through inspiration, but collective cross-sectoral knowledge and skills sharing. With Reverse School they wish to create a digital data bank of Human experiences from diverse context & background. UnDo wishes to convey to the risk takers and innovators of our country- FAIL! AND LEARN!

Faiza Ahmed & Sankalita Shome at an UnDO event
Faiza Ahmed & Sankalita Shome at an UnDO event

Reverse School has held their first event Un-Do 1.0 at EMK Center on Dec 1, 2018. The event highlighted the stories of failure from recognized individuals and showed the gritty side of most endeavors that people don't often see. Unilever's marketing maestro Zaved Akhtar talked about the multi-million dollar project that just sunk because he misunderstood an auxiliary irritation as critical consumer problem and how he handled that blunder saving his career.

While, Faiza Ahmed, owner of Manas, talked about her philosophical struggles trying to blend business & arts and the lessons she learned from every rejection that helped her clarify her own vision. The show was capped off with multidimensional musician, actor and educator Tahsan Rahman Khan talking about moving out of the famous cult band "Black" and how that helped him reach his goal and most recently how he handles the social pressure around him regarding his personal life. The show emphasized on a variety of consequences that failure can bring and how each of these individuals got past them to be the successful role-models they are now. The participation by individuals from diverse backgrounds proves the fact that people from all walks of life are ready to talk and learn from their failures and Reverse School is establishing themselves to be the platform to do so.

Where you can go to learn more about Reverse School?

Go to Reverse School website www.reverse-school.com to learn more.

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