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Internships At Future Startup

It’s easier to invent the future than to predict it. — Alan Kay

We are looking for extremely talented and hardworking young writers and students for a few internship positions at the first growing digital media and information service startup Future Startup to help us write about and organize the business and tech information of Bangladesh. Future Startup is the essential source of information, insight, and analysis on business, technology, and society for a growing number of entrepreneurs, business and tech professionals and intellectually curious people in Bangladesh.

You should be passionate about writing, business, and technology industry in Bangladesh and be able to write about important companies and people behind those companies and should be able to do so in a tight deadline under pressure.

Prior writing experience is helpful but not necessary. We expect self-sufficient people who can work under minimum directions and don’t require spoon-feeding and constant supervision. That said, we ensure great working experience and provide a lot of help with your work.

Right now commitment, hard work and a sense of responsibility these things are in extremely short supply in Bangladesh, we expect you to have enough of these things.

Please note that we are a startup, so expect everything to be scrappy, a lot of real hard work, flat culture, less formality and a lot of freedom. Most importantly, expect a lot of work.

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We are major/discipline agnostic. Undergraduate or graduate students from any discipline/subject can apply.


This is a paid internship but if you are looking for a gig that would pay a lot, this is not it! But we can guarantee that you would enjoy the work and would be making a real difference and a lot of important connections.

The 24 weeks long internship enables young people to think critically, create powerful digital content and develop communication skill, and helps them in building valuable connections with entrepreneurs, leading business and tech professionals, startups, designers and makers of all kind.

All interns receive a certificate of work experience after the successful completion of the internship. Rigorous training and feedback are provided to help them improve. If you perform exceptionally well, you might just be considered for a higher position at Future Startup.

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Job Details

  • Position Title: Internship
  • Duration: 06 months
  • Job nature: Part time and Paid [5 hours, 6 days week]
  • Remuneration: BDT 5000-8,000
  • Remote working: We allow remote working as long as you deliver.

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How to Apply

Please complete and submit the following form by May 30, 2017. We will get back to you by June 10, 2017.

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