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The Monthly Digest: 04 Big FS Interviews You Missed In February 2017

The second month of 2017 is gone! This year, one of our goals is making sure that we feel everyday and every month of the year that is passing. It is good a practice for reminding yourself that days are passing before you and that you should live with urgency. For us, monthly digest is one of the ways we look back to the past month and try to reflect on our work while also giving our valued readers an opportunity to revisit some of our interesting stories. Let’s read the big FS interviews from the last month:

Shahadat Khan
Shahadat Khan

Life’s Work: An Interview With Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, SureCash

The most important person who influenced shaping my life was my mother. I lost my father when I was in grade eight. Mother was very kind, very simple. She was not formally educated but she was a person with a clear vision. She knew what she wanted from us. She guided us towards education and helped us thinking simple and big. Read on…

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Syed Mohammad Kamal
Syed Mohammad Kamal

Life’s Work: An Interview With Syed Mohammad Kamal, Country Manager, MasterCard Bangladesh

In college, we had both Statistics and Shorthand as extra courses and you could choose either one but I was not sure about what to go for. Then I went to my Grandfather and asked him what course I should take. He said ‘you can learn shorthand anytime you want but you can’t learn statistics’. So I took Statistics and did very well. It taught me that you should seek difficulties in life. Everyone can do the things that are easy but there is no fun in doing easy things and joining the crowd. More importantly, joining the crowd would not make you any different from the crowd. Read on…

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Khandaker Anwar Ehtesham
Khandaker Anwar Ehtesham

An Interview With Khandaker Anwar Ehtesham, FVP and Head of Communications and Branding, Dhaka Bank

Your talent and degrees matter little in real life. In my short career I have seen people with superior talent and degrees from prestigious institutions and still fail just because they did not put in much hard work, show passion and dedication. Talent is important but passion, dedication, hard work, and honesty these things are way more important than talent. Read on…

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Maya, Messaging and On-demand Information: An Interview With Ivy Huq Russell, Founder and CEO, Maya

During the early days of Maya, I was the only person doing everything and there was this only other doctor. It took us almost 48 hours to answer any question in an appropriate manner. Then it became 24 hours and then 12 hours and for the last couple of years, it became 3 hours and now premium users are getting it in 10 minutes. We just launched our premium service, Maya Apa Plus, in partnership with Robi, the selling point is ‘get your answer in 10 minutes’. Read on...

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