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Introducing Storylab, an in-house branded content studio from Future Startup

We are excited to formally announcing our in-house branded content studio Storylab, an effort to make our storytelling capacity available to brands and companies.

We are living in a post-ad and post-attention age. As the economist and psychologist, Herbert A. Simon once famously proclaimed, “what information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” This challenges the conventional notion of engaging with your audience.

Today’s consumers are too busy to pay attention to something they don’t want to pay attention to. They hate intrusive mediums and ads. They now have ad-blockers to take measures against ad and campaigns that they don’t want to attend to.

This is a new world where attention is the new currency and the most scarce of resources. At Future Startup, we believe in the power of a great story. Great stories move us, inspire us, make us think and take action. In a world where attention is scarce, only a good story can hold us together for awhile.

That’s where Storylab comes in. Storylab is our attempt to help brands to tell stories through integrated story campaign to engage and stay closer to their audience.

We are living in a post-ad and post-attention age. As the economist and psychologist, Herbert A. Simon once famously proclaimed, “what information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” This challenges the conventional notion of engaging with your audience.

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Storylab is an in-house branded content studio at the fast growing business and technology focused media outlet Future Startup. We help brands to design integrated story-driven campaigns including article/content series, report, and whitepaper, video, interview, and microsite.

At FS, we have been working with content for years now and understand how to create and distribute content to young, affluent, influential, engaged, tech-savvy content consumers and business professionals in Bangladesh.

Now we are applying our journalistic expertise in helping brands, businesses, and startups, to reach out to notoriously difficult to reach influencers and decision makers in business and tech community in Bangladesh.

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Why Storylab and what we can do together

Storylab offers unique opportunities for companies/Startups/Brands which understand that they are marketing to the most advertised-to people in world where attention is scarce, who understand that it’s time to think beyond mere ads and one-off campaigns and instead build a community that truly gets their messaging across and Brands that want to take advantage of content marketing and storytelling, thus gaining marketing ROI, thought leadership, and long-term credibility.

Here are a couple opportunities we can explore together.

  • Content series
  • Sponsored content
  • Custom content
  • Microsites
  • Whitepaper/Special report
  • E-book

We have a beta website for Storylab that details some of our current services and a couple case studies of our previous work. You may find it here.

StoryLab offers unique opportunities for companies/Startups/Brands which understand that they are marketing to the most advertised-to people in world where attention is scarce

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Content is eating the world. As consumers, we dislike intrusive advertising, shut ourselves off in the face of something that we don’t want to pay attention to, and our attention is constantly on call. In this new world, only a good story can keep us engaged. This is the time to reimagine the b2b and b2c marketing in Bangladesh. Contact us: ruhul@futurestartup.com

Image courtesy: unsplash

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