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DataSoft Launches First Internet of Things (IoT) Lab In Bangladesh

DataSoft Systems, one of the earliest and most successful tech company in the country, has opened the first IoT lab in Bangladesh in its new office in Shyamoli, Dhaka. Inaugurated by ICT State Minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak on November 13, the lab will offer a four-month course on IoT systems to about 300 engineers.

Michael Wang, a Columbia University professor, is the coordinator of the course who also designed the course curriculum at Columbia University in the US. According to sources, after completing the course, most participants will be hired by DataSoft while others may start their own companies or join other companies.

The lab, a result of collaboration between the US, Japan, and Bangladesh under a project of leveraging ICT of the ICT Division. DataSoft is running the 16-month project where the Hi-Tech Park Authority and ICT Division are co-sponsoring the program.

The Lab first offered such course on IoT early November this year and now about 30 students from different public and private universities are already taking the course and working on solutions to the different problems including traffic problem and garbage collection in Dhaka.

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