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Top 10 Most In-demand Skills That Can Get You Hired In 2017, According To Linkedin

According to LinkedIn data, October is the month people start looking for a career change. Hence, job applications spike on Linkedin during this period of time till the end of January.

Job market changes rapidly. Demand for skills often varies depending on the availability of manpower and jobs in the market.

Every year Linkedin publishes a list of most sought-after skills by looking at billions of data points and analyzing all of the hiring and recruiting activity that occurred on its site so far in that year. To In order to find out what exactly employers are looking for, and what it takes to successfully land a job in 2016, LinkedIn published a list of 10 most sought-after skills in 14 countries.

Here are the most in-demand skills around the globe that can get you hired in 2017:

  1. Cloud and Distributed Computing
  2. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  3. Web Architecture and Development Framework
  4. Middleware and Integration Software
  5. User Interface Design
  6. Network and Information Security
  7. Mobile Development
  8. Data Presentation
  9. SEO/SEM Marketing
  10. Storage Systems and Management

“While we see job applications spike on LinkedIn in October, we know companies aren’t actually hiring at the same rate until January,” says LinkedIn Career Expert Catherine Fisher in a press release. “While some skills expire every couple of years, our data strongly suggests that tech skills will still be needed for years to come, in every industry. Now is a great time for professionals to acquire the skills they need to be more marketable.”

While publishing the top most in-demand skills across the world, Catherine Fisher also reveals a couple of key trends about the global job market.

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Demand for marketers is shrinking

In 2015, marketing skills like marketing campaign management, SEO/SEM, and channel marketing were in high demand, largely because supply-demand mismatch in the market. However, things have changed and the demand for marketing skills is slowing down.

“Demand for marketing skills is slowing,” writes Fisher, “because the supply of people with marketing skills has caught up with employers’ demand for people with marketing skills.”

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Data and cloud reign supreme

“I smell a dynasty in the making! Cloud and distributed computing has remained in the #1 spot for the past two years and is the Top Skill on almost every list — including France, Germany, India, Ireland, Singapore, the U.S., and Spain,” writes Fisher. “Following closely on its heels is statistical analysis and data mining, which came in #2 last year, and #1 in 2014. These skills are in such high demand because they’re at the cutting edge of technology. Employers need employees with cloud and distributed computing, statistical analysis, and data mining skills to stay competitive.”

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Data presentation is a thing now

“For the first time ever, data presentation, which is visualizing data, makes the list with the #8 spot,” writes Fisher. “With statistical analysis and data mining holding strong again this year at #2, employers need employees who can organize data so it’s easy for people to understand.”

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User interface design is becoming increasingly critical

“User interface design (#5), which is designing the part of products that people interact with, is increasingly in-demand among employers”, writes Fisher. “Data has become central to many products, which has created a need for people with user interface design skills who can make those products easy for customers to use.”

You can find the full report and breakdown of most in-demand skills by country here. Lead image by Carlos Muza

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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