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Future Startup ‘Under 35’, 2016: Call For Submissions

Future Startup ‘Under 35’ is an annual list and extensive coverage of young people under the age of 35 who have done great work in the field of agriculture, business, society, media, education, medicine, science, and technology, art and culture etc and contributed to building a better Bangladesh.

We published our debut list of ‘Under 35’ in 2015 and it has drawn huge attention from the country and abroad. It was shared by more than 10,000+ people online within the first two weeks and read by thousands of people.
‘Under 35’ is one of the most powerful and best such lists made in Bangladesh to portray the accomplishments of young people. 

The list brings together best young leaders, connect them with each other, and help collaboration happen with a vision to build a better tomorrow.

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Under 35, 2016: We are looking for...

Following the huge success of 2015, we are preparing the ‘Under 35’ list for 2016 and we are calling for nominations and applications.

We are looking for people who have stories to tell, who have done great work and whose work has a pervasive impact on the community and society.

We are looking for people who have worked in any of the following fields [or beyond that we did not mention here] for at least a couple of years, command consideration in their field, and have done significant work.

We are looking for people who faced difficulties, shown grit, outperformed challenges, failed but never gave up.

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This year we are accepting nominations and applications for the following fields:

  • Agriculture
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Finance
  • Science and Medicine
  • Media and Journalism
  • Entertainment
  • Art & Culture

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What we would love: Nominate/Apply

In 2016, we are making the ‘Under 35’ list even bigger and better. This year, while putting together a great list, we are also sharing stories of extraordinary young people doing great work. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help.

Nominate: If you know someone who fits this description, please consider nominating for this year’s list. Please use this form, you can nominate more than one, for the nomination. Or please forward this to people who you think would be the right fit for this list.

Apply: If you fit this description, please consider applying for this year’s list. You can use this nomination form for yourself.

Extended Deadline: Please nominate/apply by October 15th, 2016.

Please share this far and wide to your friends and colleagues — the more people this reaches, the better the list will be.

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