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Photopreneurs: A Platform For Aspiring Photographers

Photopreneurs, a Social Business in nature, is a platform for beginners and aspiring photographers who want to learn more or improve their skill and become professional photographers. Launched recently, logo of the platform was unveiled at the 154th Social Business Design Lab by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. Many globally recognized social business leaders including Lamiya Morshed, Executive Director of Yunus Centre and MFM Amir Khasru, General Manager of Yunus Centre were present during the ceremony.


The platform, Co-founded by Prito Reza, a photojournalist and Founder of Wedding Diary, and Shazeeb Islam, Founder of Social Business Youth Alliance Global, is developed with a vision to create and help more photo-entrepreneurs and citizen journalists while contributing to solve unemployment problem. “Photopreneurs is a kind of initiative which can help bring real changes in our society by empowering photographers, and journalists while also contributing to create job opportunities”~said Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.

The School of Photography, a separate wing of the Photopreneurs, will provide the best class course materials along technology and tools to students. While the platform plans to provide courses at a regular price for students, it also aims to subsidize the course fees for underprivileged students and for students from rural areas. Photopreneurs aims to provide professional teachers who will guide the students to achieve their own personal goals through photography.

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