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FS Breakout Startups, 2016: Call For Nominations/Submissions

2015 was a great year for Bangladesh startup ecosystem. New startups launched. Startups got funded. Companies failed. New VC firms launched. Successful events held and more. Given all that happened in 2015, we can expect that 2016 is going to be brilliant year for startups and entrepreneurs. Hence a new list. For the first time we are gearing up for '15 Breakout Startups of Bangladesh' and we need your help.

We are looking for startups that have done exceptionally well in 2015 and have the potential to go big in 2016. We are not putting any boundary for sectors, technology, or anything. Any one or any company can apply or anyone can nominate a startup if it falls under the definition of startup.

[By startup, we mean fast growing early stage companies regardless of any sector. The company you are submitting or nominating can be a tech or tech-enabled or non-tech company but it has to have the potential to grow fast and go big.]

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Future Startup Breakout Startups, 2016

‘Breakout Startups, 2016’ aims to put together a list of fast growing and most potential Bangladeshi startups that have done exceptionally well in 2015 and tell their inspiring stories to the world. The purpose is to recognize and help these startups to get attention. This means we are interested in what people are building in Bangladesh and also in connecting them with more users and right people who can help them to grow big. 

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  • Startups that are founded before July 30, 2015
  • Startups that have done exceptionally well, in-terms of growth and sustainability, in 2015
  • Sectors: Any
  • Founded and incorporated in: Bangladesh

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Call For Submissions
We can’t do this all alone. We need you, your support, your suggestion, questions and your network. Submission for our ‘FS Breakout Startups, 2015’ is open now. You can submit your startup or nominate one you know which is doing extraordinary work.

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If you are building a great startup and started before July 2015, please submit away. We consider every submission with great care and we believe that small is beautiful and every great company starts small.

Please find an application form to be filled here.

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If you know a great startup doing great and building extraordinary things, please let us know. It has not to be big initiative but it has to be something has potential and has been growing fast.

Please find a nomination form to be filled here.

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Deadline for submissions is February 10, 2016

For queries
For quires please email us at info@futurestartup.com

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