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BetterStories To Observe Social Enterprise Day, Plans To Create a Database of Social Enterprises In Bangladesh

Better Stories Limited, the ideas agency based in Dhaka, is hosting “Social Enterprise Day, 2015” with a vision to understand the state of social enterprise in Bangladesh and to put together a database of social enterprises to keep track of growing base of social enterprises in the country. The event, scheduled on December 29, 2015, will take place at BetterStories Office in Dhaka from 10 am to 5 pm.

This event is part of a four country (Bangladesh, India, Ghana and Pakistan) research projects of Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) lead by Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Better Stories Limited is doing the research in Bangladesh backed by British Council.

“Knowing how small or big is the social enterprise market size in Bangladesh is the main objective of the study BetterStories, ODI and SEUK are conducting for British Council. We are creating a database of the Social Enterprises [SE], SE incubators and accelerators, Impact VCs and Higher Education institutions teaching SE. On the day we are inviting social enterprises to come and meet other SEs, showcase their enterprises and get registered into the database. We hope once this study is over and database is built we will have good data to recommend policy actions to the Government and the stakeholders.”~says Minhaz Anwar of BetterStories Limited.

Registration for the event is open now. You can register by following this link: http://on.fb.me/1JwIGah

Omar looks after Community and Business Development at Future Startup.

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