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How To Sleep Better When You Have So Much To Accomplish?

Which one of us did not pull an all-nighter when you had to complete project at school? I sure did. And I hoped it’s just this time, next time this is not going to happen. Guess what? That next time never came. From school, it became a work practice and if you are an entrepreneur, you know, there is nothing called “off duty”. Be it day or night, only work is real in your life, everything else is secondary.

Well, it is absolutely remarkable that you have a dream which does not let you sleep. And being an entrepreneur means you have limited resources, so your plate is always full, you are always in a race against the time. But, there is always a time when you just have to say this is it for today.

You need a good night’s sleep to start fresh in the morning. Research says, if you sleep less your reaction time becomes slower and your blood pressure rises. Here is how you can sleep better when you have so much to accomplish:

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Detach: Turn off Laptop, put off phone
Set a time goal for work. After that, do not turn on your laptop and set your phone on a silent mode. You will ask what if an important call comes, or I have a very important mail to reply to. Relax, you work for yourself.

If you cannot take that time away from work for yourself, maybe you should rethink why you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Switch off the work button as soon as you switch off your laptop.

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Disconnect: No internet on phone
If you are really trying to have a good sleep, stop checking your phone every five minutes. Leave it somewhere else. No internet on phone once you are off work.

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Mindfulness: Reflect on the good things of the day
Take time to reflect on the good things and the progress you made today. Relax your mind. You can also try meditation, which is the most effective and accepted practice to find inner peace.

[blockquote source ]If you cannot take that time away from work for yourself, maybe you should rethink why you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Switch off the work button as soon as you switch off your laptop[/blockquote]

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Create Space: Take some time for yourself
Before you go to sleep, make a ritual to do something you really like doing for yourself. Read a book, listen to music, anything you really like doing. It will help you to fill your mind with something good and help you to have a good night sleep.

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Rise Early: Make the habit of waking up early
Our days are most productive in the morning. If we want to make the efficient use of our time, we should definitely make the practice of waking up early in the morning and start our day with the right spirit.

Image: CC image by hans van den berg

Afsana Zarin is a wonderful person, startup Activist, and a Co-founder of SevenSages.

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