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Making Of Hubdhaka: Challenges, Naysayers, And The Win

Today hubdhaka has a great team, growing steadily every month, organizing events regularly that everyone loves, and has become a familiar name in the community. But at the beginning it was not even close. Sajid faced difficulties finding good people, making people understand what hubdhaka is, putting things together, and finding a solid way. 

“Building a team was one of the major challenges I had to go through. It was really difficult to find people who understand the work. Especially, a startup is not like a regular organization. One does not get a fixed role here. You get to do many things at once. Finding staff members who are passionate, hungry, and ambitious, was very difficult. We needed a young team who are creative. Then and gain, this was not a unique problem to us. May be it is a little harder in Bangladesh.”

[su_note note_color="#f9fafd" text_color="#4e8df6" radius="4"]As part of our exploration to understand big and game changing ideas we spoke to hubdhaka founder Sajid Islam, team hubdhaka, and visited the place, to learn more about hubdhaka as a coworking space. This four part series is our attempt to look into hubdhaka as a coworking space and explore what hubdhaka aspires to become in the coming days. Read Part one here.[/su_note]

Once Sajid solved the problem with team, opened up the space for people to come and work, then he started to receive negative comments from people around him. It was all okay until he started the operations. It was little strange because people were saying different things earlier. Furthermore, Sajid used to live in US, which means he would not be here for running the operations, people started to ask questions about how he would do it. It was a logical question but Sajid knew he could do it.

“Some people told me that I probably chose the hardest thing in the world to solve in the hardest place, and also because I do not get to stay in Bangladesh full time, and have not worked here before, how it would work. There were lots of doubts around me. But I have been passionate to create a space that would bring people together and I hope that is what going to save me this time”.

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Getting To Brighter End Is A Process

We wrote about the growth of hubdhaka in previous part of the series. The startup is seeing a quite exciting growth and also adding new facilities everyday for its members. Making improvement everyday is a good attempt. It makes sense for lots of reasons. You build things brick by brick.

Surprise is the best strategy to make your customers happy. It works all the time. With incremental improvement on a regular basis hubdhaka makes sure that it feels fresh all the time and at the same time it does not look alien due to the rapid changes too.

While making the space better every day for its members, the startup also organizes regular events. It has launched two successful platforms, Dhaka Networking Night [DNN] and Demo Dhaka, this year. Both of these platforms are first of its kinds in Dhaka and have received good response from the community.

Surprise is the best strategy to make your customers happy. It works all the time. With incremental improvement on a regular basis hubdhaka makes sure that it feels fresh all the time and at the same time it does not look alien due to the rapid changes too.

All these works have started to pay off. People have started to talk about coworking in Dhaka and hubdhaka has been able to build a good brand over the time as the only full-fledged coworking space in Dhaka.

In the following part we will explore what it takes to build a coworking space and future of hubdhaka.

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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