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MUSPANA: Building A World Class Electronics Brand From Bangladesh [Part 01]

While crossing Manik Miah Avenue, my eyes fell on the green and yellow catchy wall art that had quite an interesting name on it- MUSPANA. The wall poster made it clear that MUSPANA was an electrical products and services providing company. On my way back home, I kept thinking about the name of the company and how it was related to electrical stuffs! Randomly I googled MUSPANA to know the meaning of the word (I am kind of a word lover!).

Later on I contacted and set up an interview with the founder of MUSPANA, Atiqur Rahman Sohel. The man with his dreams to produce world class electrical products and services here in Bangladesh shared with me the stories of his journey, the roadblocks, and the people at MUSPANA, the achievements, few words of wisdom and few other things. Talking to this humble man just made me realize that, no matter whatever our individual dreams are, they should somehow serve the well being of our country. This story is about MUSPANA, and making of it.

[su_note note_color="#f8f9f9" text_color="#25618a" radius="13"]This four part series on MUSPANA is part of FS Big Idea Series where we feature powerful and provocative ideas to inspire bold and sustainable change. This is first part of MUSPANA story. [/su_note]

The Idea

Undergraduate students providing home tuition is an idea that Sohel does not like much. Although it does secure a minimal pocket money, but hardly adds any value to their CVs. Right after graduation as an electrical engineer from BUET, Sohel thought of enabling these undergraduate kids to explore their own abilities and gain some valuable work experience that could add value to their career.

At the same time Sohel was disappointed with the lack of will and persistence in the electrical major graduates in implementing their engineering solutions during their undergraduate life. “One of the many reasons China, Japan and many other countries like German and US are so developed in terms of electrical products and solutions, is because of their level of perseverance” -says Sohel.

After pondering for days after days over how to employ the expertise of the fresh graduates to develop the finest electronic products and solutions here in Bangladesh while creating productive means of earning money for the youth, Sohel, along with his brother came up with their own venture Filament Engineering Limited.


MUSPANA is a brand of Filament Engineering Ltd which aims to revolutionize the electronic industry of Bangladesh. Since its inception, MUSPANA has constantly focused on developing technology related to renewable energy and more and thus has specialized in creating energy efficient products and services. “We aim to create innovative products that would leave our customers spellbound and they would want more of it. Also energy crisis is a big time problem in Bangladesh. Somewhere I feel morally obliged to work more on developing energy efficient electrical products as an engineer.”

MUSPANA not only provides electrical services for residential dwellings and commercial developments but also provide Energy Auditing & Consultancy services with the aim to reduce energy expenses and carbon footprints. To assure improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security, MUSPANA also provide Industry and Home Automation. Solar servicing is another specialty of MUSPANA which guarantee the highest level client satisfaction.

The wide range of products and services offered by MUSPANA are of high quality and cost effective and designed to serve the needs of the customers. Surely, every product developed and each technology adopted is in conformity with the MUSPANA’s business philosophy of uniting ‘Professionalism, Integrity, and High Quality.’

The First Step

Sohel, who always had a business mindset and a clear vision, did not delay in taking the first step. As soon as he graduated from BUET, he sought financial support from his elder brother and prepared the blueprint of his vision. Soon afterwards in 2008 MUSPANA began its operations. Just two years down the line in 2010, MUSPANA turned into a limited company.

The name of the venture itself sounds unique enough to grab attention. Naming MUSPANA is yet another fascinating story. On getting every other relevant plan ready, the two brothers could not set their minds on what to name their newly born venture. Finally, they came to a conclusion of creating a name that combined their parents’ names. Thus, MUSPANA got its name. But the most interesting thing was when the duo was informed that the name in a specific dialect refers to energy (!!).

Fatema takes interviews, writes features, and meets entrepreneurs and makers and doers at Future Startup.

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