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Making Of The Tech School [Part 03]

The Tech School, situated in Niketon, has two wings. One wing is working to provide education to children aged between 8-16 years, on disciplines like Robotics Engineering and Electronics and Computer Engineering. The fundamental rule of this school is ‘Set your imagination free’.

Unlike other schools, where children are heavily reliant on books, theories and memorizing, the children here in The Tech School are taught the most intricate theories by demonstrating it in real life. The children here are always eager about learning, whereas the common scenario of the traditional schools is that of the parents’ paranoia on children’s lack of proper attention in class or their unwillingness towards their studies.

[su_note note_color="#f8f9f9" text_color="#25618a" radius="13"]This four part series on The Tech School is part of FS Big Idea Series where we feature powerful and provocative ideas to inspire bold and sustainable change. This is second part of The Tech School story. You can find rest of the series here.[/su_note]

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The method of teaching in The Tech School isn’t that simple. At times, while conveying the complex theories, children are required to sit down and listen to the ins and outs of the theories and their justifications. The children, engrossed in their workstations, are often reluctant to do so and the mentors have to work continuously out various techniques of engaging the children and at the same time communicating the most complex concepts to their minds. Basically, children here play with wire boards, circuitry, breadboards, and software and their mentors just guide them on how to play with these.

The school wing of The Tech School also functions in Bandarban, Fatikchari and Mymensingh where the underprivileged children are taught robotics, mechanics, automation, programming etc.

The other wing of The Tech School is a tech firm and aims to provide engineering solutions to companies and individuals. So far they have developed a GPS tracker system for a company, created 7 pieces automated violins that play by themselves and soon to be seen in Bengal Foundation, produced electricity for a radio station in Kishorganj. Currently the firm is working on a hybrid car project in which famous artist Anusheh Anadil’s car is being transformed into a solar and wind powered one. Such projects and solutions are developed by the tech experts and also involve the students of the school which helps them to learn better.


According to the founders of The Tech School, the two wonder kids, Abrar and Safwan are their biggest achievements. Abrar Jawad joined The Tech School in August 2013. From the very beginning he showed his interest and mastery in programming, coding, developing software and websites and in creating games. Safwan Rahman, another wonder kid joined after few months of Abrar. He showed interest in building bodies of robots and other gadgets.

In the words of these two wonder kids they just entered into a magical world of technology with the help of their mentors like the children in Chronicles of Narnia. They are ever grateful to Shams and Neloy to help them stepping up into the magical wardrobe of technology! With their constant guidance, the kids participated in competitions competing against university students exhibiting remarkable potential.

Abrar and Safwan soon came up with their own invention ‘The Batman Gadget’ which detects any object on the way by sending out ultrasound waves just like bats. Right now their invention is used as a gaming gadget but they aspire to improve it to aid the blind people and also use it in cars to prevent accidents.

These two kids have dreams bigger than them. Abrar wants to create more games, develop software and most importantly he wants to make this world a better place to live in. Safwan, courageously expressed on the stage of TEDx Dhaka that he doesn't want to work for anyone and wants to own a venture building robots, machines and gadgets which would help people in their daily lives and wants him to be remembered through his inventions. Both of these kids want to disseminate what they have learnt in the school. Moreover they dream of developing something super awesome for the place and the mentors that have made them what they are today- The Tech School.

Fatema takes interviews, writes features, and meets entrepreneurs and makers and doers at Future Startup.

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