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How to learn pitching and why you need to learn it?

According to The Economist, currently 47% of the graduates are unemployed in Bangladesh. With more people looking for conventional secured bank jobs, a little number is also getting ready for the reality with an entrepreneurial mindset. But where there is need, there is a way and so this little number is growing every day.

Pitching and entrepreneurship goes in hand to hand. Imagine that you are stuck in a 57 storied elevator with none other than Warren Buffet and you have an amazing business idea and approximately 2 minutes to get him interested about it! What would you do? Do you have what it takes to get him excited about your business in less than two minutes?

Pitch2Win-a pitching contest in Dhaka- will help you doing exactly that. It is a unique contest intended to draw out the brightest minds and greatest ideas our country has to offer. In this event, you will have a chance to pitch your idea and get feedback on how to improve your pitching style. Hugely successful last year, this year’s competition will pack a punch with its intensive pitching mentorship sessions or “Pitch Clinic”s.

A lot of the time people don’t understand why it’s important to be able to pitch well. The reality is that you need to be able to pitch to customers, whether they be companies or individuals. If you can’t pitch to an investor, they will be worried that you won’t be able to bring anyone else on board. - Martin Soorjoo, Pitch Strategist & Coach, founder of The Pitch Clinic.

Pitching is comparatively a new idea in Bangladesh. Though our business students give plenty presentations in their student life but there are distinct differences between pitching and presentations. And that is why it is important to practice pitching. In this year’s pitch2win, there will be a lot of chance to practice pitching in front of professionals.

The application process for the Pitch2Win event has started and will continue till the 17th of May. Save the dates for introductory workshops for all applicants on Friday the 9th and 23rd May 2014 at hubdhaka. To get more information about this event please visit here and to register visit: here 

This year’s winners will get a chance to attend a 16-week mentorship program, at the completion of which they will receive seed funding of up to BDT 50,000 to help realize their startup dreams. So to all those dreamers out there trying to create something, we are saying, “…You are not the only one…”

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