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Towards an iconic entrepreneur class

Towards an iconic entrepreneur class
Samson H. Chowdhury

The word entrepreneurship is now a fashionable term as well as passion. But is not as lofty as it seems rather it encompasses a whole bunch of delicate skills. It demands not only a simple rage for money but also an insatiable hunger for living up to dreams. It is a beauty, a perfect combination of wants, desire, hunger, feelings and sound of heart. For a sustainable growth of the economy a vibrant entrepreneur class is must. The class is not merely motivated by accumulating a whole lot of money and enhancing personal well being rather prompted by welfare of society as a whole. Thence, entrepreneurs have to be equipped with all kind of aptitudes.

Bangladesh is at very primitive stage of entrepreneurship age. Majority of the businessmen in the country are either with inherited enterprises or made it through deficiency of the prevailing system. Creativity is ignored here and ideas are dying with negligence. Business people are making money only for the sake of making more of it. I can remember one of my friend’s statuses on facebook “To be a king, either you have to be son of a king or kill the king”.

But, I became hopeful after passing of Samson H Chowdhury, a legendary businessman and founder of Square Group. All kinds of print and electronic media, social networking sites and blogs were paying homage to his great soul. I realized the prospects of an iconic entrepreneur class in our society. He was not only an entrepreneur but also a great philanthropist.  Both personal and social motives have added successfully in one chaplet by him. He showed that to be a king, neither you have to be a son of king nor kill the king. By living with your dreams, esteeming your creativity you can achieve your cherished throne.

We have a vibrant generation of youth to make an iconic entrepreneur class. Social media and exposure to international domain is broadening our sphere of thinking, enlarging our choices and inspiring to take initiatives. People are astonished to see that how a person did presented a historic speech in the convocation of one of the finest university of the world even being himself a non-graduate. To fill the gap in our entrepreneurship orbit both qualitatively and quantitatively we need our young generation. To support their views and ideas authorities need to create supportive environment with minimum regulatory burden.

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