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Springboard Collaborative held its first in-person retreat after the pandemic

Springboard Collaborative, a non-profit that has been partnering with school districts across the USA to coach educators and family members to help kids learn to read by 4th grade, recently held their company retreat at Lord Baltimore Hotel in Baltimore, MD. It’s the first in-person retreat of the organization since the pandemic. 

During the week-long retreat, members of different departments of the organization conducted team-building activities, setting up goals for 2023, meet and greet, and cross-departmental exchanges. 

As part of Springboard’s strong commitment to racial equity, a comprehensive session on Racial equity professional development was facilitated by the University of Southern California(USC) Race and Equity Center.

Baltimore City Public Schools earned Springboard’s outstanding partner award. 

Founded by Alejandro Gibes De Gac, Springboard envisions a world in which all children have the requisite literacy skills to access life opportunities. Some of Springboard’s initiatives include Family-Educator Learning Accelerator (FELA), Out-of-school time programs, and Springboard learning accelerators.

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