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Journey is reward: Entrepreneurship and beyond

Journey is reward: Entrepreneurship and beyond

The rule is simple; only heroes deserve the fair here. For them the world is not a bed of roses rather a bed of throne. Now the question comes how can men be hero to deserve their fair? The answer is very simple and that is by showing their heroism. But it is easier said but done. Why? Because it takes sacrifice, courage, temperament and determination to acquire something heroic.

In this world of constant change nothing is absolute but change. The speed is so overwhelming that man seldom can stand unvarying towards anything. His surroundings always poke him to throw his determination to the wave of time; failure of his ancestors fears him to leave his way of determination; abandon opportunity everywhere decreases the desire for sacrifice. Thus entrepreneurship is harder for young talent rather than searching job where there is a certain life, certain career.

On the other hand, new entry to market is becoming harder with the passage of time. Generally start-up business firms start with a niche and develop it to the main market and thus become market leader. But in this era of capitalism multinationals are getting such gigantic that it is very hard for a start up business firm to come and survive with a new idea. Even if someone has a new idea he cannot implement it due to want of capital, inadequate facilitation, courage and other supportive infrastructures. Generally they sell their innovative ideas to giant multinationals and get some remuneration in exchange of it. Let’s dig a little deeper to understand few more obstacles on the way to entrepreneurship:
Regardless of location, lack of capital for starting a new venture is also a major impediment for start up business firms because none shows interest to provide loan to a start up business firm as there is no guarantee of capital repayment. This statement is more truer for countries like Bangladesh. Investors seek quick return of their invested capital. So they hardly feel interested to invest in any start up business venture. As a result, young people with ideas seldom get chance to explore way ahead.
We love shortcut. That’s pathetic. Our tendency to get instant reward is also an obstacle on the way to entrepreneurship. There is no short cut way of being an entrepreneur rather it is a life long journey with too many ups and downs. It is a constant experimentation with someone’s life and dreams. It is just like the journey of Columbus toward an unknown America where he may discover it or not.

So to conclude I would say that, it is nothing but the dream, nothing but the sense of responsibility toward nation that makes a man an entrepreneur. One has to sacrifice his dreams, and opportunities of leading a certain life to be an entrepreneur. However, the reward is always bigger than sacrifice itself; as Steve Jobs said, Journey itself is reward.

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8 comments on “Journey is reward: Entrepreneurship and beyond”

  1. Well, we are driven by dreams; we are motivated by our dreams; but can sense of responsibility toward really motivate us to be entrepreneur?

  2. Well, we are driven by our dreams, we are motivated by our dreams. But, can sense of responsibility towards nation really  motivate us to be entrepreneur?

    1. why not Monir Bhuiyan? I think all the entrepreneurs first choose this profession as a part responsibility toward nation. If you have dream to do something for your nation it will inspire you from the core of your heart and i believe this is the core inspiration to remove all the impediments toward your dream, you may not believe.

      1.  Fine, it may be applicable for only the people having great heart, not for the ordinary people like me. I can't convince myself that my sense of responsibility towards nation will motivate me to be an entrepreneur. However, thanks a lot for the article.

        1.  however thanks a lot for for your conscious reading. But a silly request at last please divert your interest to national gain rather than from personal gain. It will increase your mental strength to face the difficulties regarding entrepreneurship.......

  3. Dream does not always make things simple. Moreover as you have mentioned obstacles like capital, and other things it's quite difficult for a Bangladeshi youth to risk his career after knowing all these impediments. Is it because we seek shortcut way to get into our dream or existing impediments that are holding us back?

    1. Actually the eye of a dreamer should be more sharper than that he has now. If a person can dream from his or her heart all the impediments are possible to overcome. But he main problem here is people have not have the brave enough in their heart to take the risk to materialize there dreams. As a result their dreams drop out or being sold to others. so i do conclude saying that it is not the impediment rather it is the lack of dedication toward someone's dreams hinders the growth of entrepreneurship.

      1.  we said, Mr Sakib, however, in a country like Bangladesh where starting a business not only hindered by lack of capital but also by problems like- lack of platforms, legal problems, and many more. Though it is quite possible to overcome material obstacles with dedication but it is not true always. It would be better with dedication if these people get the right opportunity. So, you talk about dream and other dedication you must also raise voice to create more platforms for these people. Though you've mentioned about capital in your article but I believe there are many other issues to be covered. Thanks

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