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Organization Vs Person: Focusing on Growth & Sustainability

Organization Vs Person: Focusing on Growth & Sustainability

Mr. Rahat Kabir is a courageous & risk-taking guy who was born to be an entrepreneur. When he was studying Management in University of Dhaka he got an idea that was turned into a business ultimately. When started, at first few months He was like a species of another world. He was totally absorbed to give a shape of his business. He was alone in the top and was the god of his firm. He decided by himself and he got it done. His business is now in growth stage. He is now thinking about some odd things that he never thought. He is dealing with some necessary evils (his narrow sense), dealing with some investors and distributing shares to the investors. He is recruiting a bunch of smart and brilliant managers who can lead the business to more growth and profitability.
For the sake of growth he has to hand over some of his control and authority to the recruited managers. It is no more only his firm, it is now their firm. Mr. Kabir has done these jobs because he knew it was his greatness to create an organization. By the time it has got a culture, a system that he wanted. Nevertheless the whole image of his firm is not in a position he predicted. It is now bigger than that, greater than that.
Is Mr. Kabir doing the right thing by distributing shares to the investors and decentralizing authority? Judgment of wrong and right depends on situation. But whenever an organization has a system, a culture, whenever it serves the interest of greater population it loses its power to serve only one person at the same time.

Think about Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was kicked out of his own firm as according to the top management he was hurting Apple’s image in the market. By kicking out Steve I think Apple walked in the path to sustainability. Apple proved that “No one is indispensable.”May be It lose a visionary leader but didn’t lose itself. If Apple completely depended on Steve Jobs, It probably faced a great crash on Steve’s bad time.

You can recall leadership of Bangabandhu Seikh Mujibur Rahman over Awamileague government at the time after liberation war of 1971(1972-1975).He was believed to be Charismatic leader to his fellows. The whole government rounded centering Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He made himself uncompetitive in practicing power and the same time detached from the lower level activists. No power or authority was left to that portion. So, When the powerful person (Storehouse) was assassinated the power of whole government diminished. If there was decentralization of power and authority AwamiLeague government would never breakdown like that. Even now Sheikh Hasina, Khaleda Zia both are practicing same type of leadership. By anyway if they are removed from their position there will be a great chance of arising a chaos within the parties. One Eleven is even now so lively example for that.

Here lies the essence of decentralization of power and authority that makes an organization strong  in every bit and makes it sustainable. By this way a leader can be great even not being indispensable. Ultimately, a person can create an organization, but with a great culture and system his organization can turn to be greater than him.

Mr. Julfikar Islam is currently studying Marketing (4th year) at University of Dhaka. He is truly an organizational being. He has been working with a number of knowledge-based organizations for last 3 years within the University. His area of specialization is Supply Chain Management. He also has an effective knowledge about Branding, Current Market trends. He has been blogging for last 1 year about these issues in a number of national blog and community website.

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3 comments on “Organization Vs Person: Focusing on Growth & Sustainability”

  1. Once I heard about 'Leaders' and 'Super leader'. While Leaders lead the pack, super leaders focus on creating leaders. One of my elder brother call it "Generation Building".

    Relating leadership building with Bangladesh scenario is brilliant, I must say. and Present political leadership is still ruling, as there is no strong competition from good leadership practitioner. For the same reason, I believe, S @i:disqus furs is still the market leader in coaching education business in Bangladesh.

    Good thoughts! Thanks for the post.

    1. You are most welcome Nezam vai.Yeah!It is a sacred responsibility of current leaders to create future leaders for developing a sustainable organization.

  2. creating leaders within organization is one of the most talked issues in todays business world- Thanks Julfikar for wonderful thought

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