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Screw it, let's do it!

Screw it, let's do it!

Tomorrow is not a feasible option for entrepreneurs. Never keep anything aside  for tomorrow, if you think it really important. However, to reap the success as a startup Entrepreneur you must develop a bunch of positive habits/philosophy. Let's check some of them.

Screw it, let's do it now: If not now then never. If you need to call someone, pick the phone, dial the number, talk and finish. No second thought. You can better learn this strategy or habit from Richard Branson. If you want to feel more motivated I would suggest to read Branson's Screw it, let's do it.

Not more than one job: Always remember you've only one head. Put your all concentration in one job. Wow factor doesn't add to anything for no reasons. Wow factor have to be earned. And sole hearted job often does the task well.

Connects: At Future StartUp we have been interviewing number of successful entrepreneurs from different sectors in Bangladesh. They talked on lot of issues. Some was common, & some exclusive. But astonishingly, all of them said and advised one thing in common & it was 'networking'. Connects with as many potential networks as possible. Make it a habit. Try to make some new connections everyday.

Be Curious: Entrepreneurs often have to do number of different types of stuff. To become successful as an entrepreneur you have to know many things at a time. The advantage of being curious is that, you'll always learn something new, exciting, and useful. More importantly, curiosity often leads to workable business idea.

Be open minded: Recognize change. Welcome new ideas. Admire innovation. Accept your criticism with smile. But never give pessimist a chance to feel you down.

Don't work for money: Money comes and goes but you need to work for something sustainable. Moreover, you can't make money by working for money rather you can make money by working for something that makes money and that should be your passion.

Success does not come for nothing. One have to work hard, be disciplined, and have fun in work. Your seed of success have to be sown by you.

Mohammad Ruhul Kader is a Dhaka-based entrepreneur and writer. He founded Future Startup, a digital publication covering the startup and technology scene in Dhaka with an ambition to transform Bangladesh through entrepreneurship and innovation. He writes about internet business, strategy, technology, and society. He is the author of Rethinking Failure. His writings have been published in almost all major national dailies in Bangladesh including DT, FE, etc. Prior to FS, he worked for a local conglomerate where he helped start a social enterprise. Ruhul is a 2022 winner of Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He can be reached at ruhul@futurestartup.com

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4 comments on “Screw it, let's do it!”

  1. I read 3 to 4 articles and find very innovating and useful things to learn as a entrepreneurship.

    Keep it up...

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